Redirect a .es domain to a .com or vice versa

It is one of the most common cases, you get up, get ready, have breakfast, open your browser and decide to keep your .com domain company. Later You are not sure how to redirect that .es domain to .com to prevent Google from penalizing you for duplicate content, A true Monday morning classic!

Then you access your ‘Client Area’, and start sending a Ticket to your ‘Support Department’ because You do not have anything clear how to make that new load from your browser and take you to the and all this in the most transparent way possible and without penalties, it would be missing more.

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This is where the ability of the Support Technician comes into play, his expertise and love of work to give you the best explanations in the world so that you understand what they are. ‘pointed or parked domains’, ‘additional domains’ and the importance of ‘redirects’.

If your good karma got up with you from bed and keeps you company, what a protective aura, the explanations given by the Support Technician will be good enough for you to have understood them and you can, in a few minutes, do the name checks of domains and where everything points and the ballot will be resolved and finally your .es will redirect transparently and almost imperceptibly to the .com with complete success!

If, on the contrary, everything that the Technician told you in his support response sounded like Cantonese Chinese, I will try to clarify, in the remainder of the article, what the process is, summarized and extended so that when you finish this reading draw a big smile on your face, which will mean that you have carried out the process correctly and now it is as you wanted the .es and the .com

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Summarized process to redirect a .es to a .com:

  1. Buy the .es domain if you haven’t already bought it. 🙂
  2. Point the domain names (DNS) to the contracted Hosting.
  3. add it as Pointed/Parked Domain or Alias in your Hosting Panel.
  4. Redirect (301) to from your Hosting Panel.
  5. Verify from your browser that typing lands on

However, there are recommendations that you should keep in mind, to avoid duplication:

  1. Point the .com domain without alias ‘www’ to the .com domain with alias ‘www’
  2. Point the domain .es without alias ‘www’ to the domain .es with alias ‘www’

This process can be reversed if you choose not to work with ‘www’ aliases in your domain.

Once this is done, you will prevent each of these two domains from being considered independent for the purposes of content for search engines.

Extended process to redirect a .es to a .com:

Buy the domain .es or .com, .net, .info or whatever you decide to buy with the same name but different ccTLD, and then redirect it to your current domain.

Once you have the active domain do not forget that you must point the domain names (DNS) to the contracted Hosting so that once the DNS change is propagated you can use the new domain.

you can make a who’s (there are hundreds of tools on the internet to do this and check where a domain points to), use your Linux or OSX terminal or console to do a whois to your domain or you can consult whatsmydns for me to tell you, as we show in the capture.

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Now it’s time to add the as Targeted DomainParked or Alias ​​in your Hosting Panel.

Then you must redirect the to the from your Hosting Panel, domains, redirection (or Redirects, Redirects, etc.)

Verify from your browser that when writing

You land on transparently.

It hasn’t given that much work, has it? and in the end it was worth taking this time to verify everything indicated so that now you can breathe easier and continue to have a good Monday (or Wednesday, it doesn’t matter) knowing that your new domain redirects well to the and that this is not going to assume duplicate content in the eyes of search engines.


Editing your file .htaccess (the one you should have in the main folder of the Hosting / public_html) you will see a code similar to the following that indicates that a redirection is being made from the without alias ‘www’ to the with ‘alias (or vice versa) and from this to with alias ‘www’.

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ RewriteRule ^(.*)$ “http\:\/\/www\.mydomain\.com$1”

This code must check that it is at the top of the aforementioned fileif it is not copy it and paste it at the top removing it from the bottom of the file.

You can also add the symbol / in the third line before the $1. That is, it has to be as follows:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ RewriteRule ^(.*)$ “http\:\/\/www\.mydomain\.com/$1”

With this, any part of the web that is loaded with the first domain will always be redirected to the second.

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Remove a 301 redirect

If for whatever reason you have to get rid of the redirection, because the .es or .com domain expired, you do not renew it or you have errors with said redirection, you will have to know how to eliminate said redirection.

Access your WePanel, domains, redirects and eliminate the redirection that you have applied for the for example.

Then edit the .htaccess file in the /public_html path from your WePanel, File Manager, Code Editor and delete the code that will appear similar to:

RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^domain\.es$ RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.domain\.es$ RewriteRule ^/?$ “http\:\/\/www\.domain\.com”

Done, redirect removed.

Now you know how to do all this, surely with a little practice you will end up dominating and you will better understand this convoluted world of domains.

By the way, about the other way in the title of the article is because if your case is that you want to redirect a to a, you already know that the process is the same 🙂 the same as if you want to redirect a to a at the end It doesn’t matter who is the guest and who is the hostthe important thing is procedure.

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Technical support in CyberProtector. Teacher at University

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