Remove the price supplement on the product


Virtuemart does not have any parameter to prevent the amount of the extra cost of the attributes from being displayed. If you want to remove it you will have to make changes in the Virtuemart code.

To do this you would have to edit the administrator/components/com_virtuemart/models/customfields.php file and locate the following code:

static function _getCustomPrice($customPrice, $currency, $calculator) { if ((float)$customPrice) { $price = strip_tags ($currency->priceDisplay ($calculator->calculateCustomPriceWithTax ($customPrice))); if ($customPrice >0) { $price =”+”.$price; } } else { $price = ($customPrice === ”) ? ” :JText::_(‘COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_PRICE_FREE’); } return $price; }

In it you will have to change the line

return $price;

by the following:

return ”;

Keep in mind that since it is a change in the Virtuemart code, you can lose it after updating the component to a new version, or what is the same, you will have to apply the change every time you update Virtuemart.

Remember to make a backup of the file before modifying it.


Answered : 05/06/2013 8:43 am

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