Step by step: How to do digital marketing in 2022

Digital marketing is the application of a set of strategies to promote the products or services of a business on the Internet. Online marketing is characterized by using digital channels and methods to execute actions and measure results.

At Tiendanube we know that digital marketing is key to boosting a virtual business. That’s why we created this exclusive guide!

In it we will review what digital marketing is, how to create a successful online marketing plan and what are the best tools to carry it out.

2021 was a year of transition and adaptation to the multiple changes that 2020 left. Now, 2022 is the time to exploit all the options offered by this new normality in which digital becomes more relevant every day.

Our main objective is that all this information will help you take your business to the next level: from what marketing is to what it is for, strategies and specific examples. Shall we start?

What is the digital marketing

Digital marketing is a type of marketing whose main objective is to promote the products of a business on the internet.

This type of marketing can be applied at any stage of the sale. The strategy is reflected from the moment the potential customer knows the brand until he defines his purchase or comes back for more.

So what is digital marketing? It is a set of techniques based on design, strategy, goal planning, profitability and results analysis with a view to obtaining the highest return on investment (ROI).

Let’s think about concrete marketing examples: imagine that you have an e-commerce where you sell men’s hats.

You probably want that hat-wearing crowd to come to your store, right? To achieve this, one option would be to invest in well-segmented internet campaigns (such as Google Ads).

Next step, potential customers see the ad and a percentage of them enter your online business. Perfect! Now, how to make them buy?

You can offer them a discount coupon, free shipping on their first purchase or the promotion that best suits your business.

Congratulations, they bought you! How is everything now? You will want them to buy from you again. An alternative to achieve this is to send periodic emails to those customers with products similar to the ones they bought from you and with tempting offers!

Each of these actions (implementation of an online advertising campaign, definition of promotions, sending of e-mails) represents a link in the chain of a business’s marketing plan.

In the next section, we are going to delve into each step so that it is 100% successful and you can apply it as a whole.

Some statistics on digital marketing

During 2021, social networks came to represent 41% of cloud store conversions. Being Instagram the main network with 87% ().

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The number of social network users worldwide is estimated to be around 3.43 billion by 2023 ().

More than 1 in 4 Internet users aged 16 to 64 (27.6%) discover new brands, products and services through ads on social networks ().

On average, users spend 2 hours and 27 minutes daily on social networks (We are social).

87% of internet users now own a smartphone ().

With this first screenshot of what marketing is, let’s point out the difference between digital and traditional. Let’s go!

What is the difference between digital marketing and traditional marketing?

Now that you know what digital (or online) marketing is, we are going to outline the main differences with traditional (or offline) marketing.

In general terms, we could say that digital marketing is the evolution of traditional marketing.

We went from advertisements in media such as television, newspapers or radio to advertisements on the Internet. From the advertising letters that flooded our mailboxes (and made an abusive use of paper) to the . From live product presentations to YouTube tutorials.

Why do we consider this to be an evolution? Because new technologies make it possible to design personalized marketing strategies that allow you to offer your target audience what they need at the right time.

In other words, the core of digital marketing and its meaning is to direct actions with more precision and quality: to the most strategic people, in the place of greatest conversion and at the moment with the highest return.

Digital marketing can be thought of as an evolution of traditional marketing as it gives the possibility of measuring results with greater accuracy. In addition, it allows implementing actions that anticipate future expectations and promote more transactions.

Do you want to know more about this topic? Look:


And how is this possible? Thanks to the analytical tools of digital marketing. These help you discover what your potential customers are doing on the internet, how they behave in your online store and what their favorite products are.

This allows you, later, to advance in a much clearer and more segmented advertising campaign.

In this sense, digital marketing is not only used to sell more, but to sell better, optimizing the resources offered by the network to the maximum.

Are you interested in learning more about digital analytics in e-commerce? Look!


It’s becoming clearer what marketing is and its importance, isn’t it? Now we return to focus on the virtual medium to delve into digital marketing and its meaning with the most relevant characteristics.

Main concepts of digital marketing

Before knowing the most popular digital marketing strategies, it is important to familiarize yourself with some concepts.

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buyer person

Instead of defining a group that fits your customers, the buyer persona is a semi-fictional character that serves to represent your ideal customer.

He involves not only demographic data, but common traits of his character such as fears, tastes and habits.

All this information allows us to know which social networks the ideal client accesses and how to convince them that a product can be a solution to their concerns.

Creating a buyer persona will allow you to build effective strategies, since you will know exactly who you want to reach and you will be able to adapt your speech to speak to these people.

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customer journey

The customer journey is the trip or path that a person travels from when they begin to perceive the need to solve a problem until they buy the product or contract the service.

It is composed of the following steps:

  1. Learning and discovery: the individual realizes that they have a problem or that there is a solution on the market to improve their life.
  2. Recognition: after identifying the need, the person makes a first search to see possible solutions.
  3. Consideration: The person identifies the options they are interested in and begins to compare them.
  4. Purchase decision: it’s time to make the decision. The consumer chooses and makes the purchase.

Knowing each stage of the journey is essential when creating digital marketing strategies, because that way, you will know exactly what to offer (in the form of content or advertising) and through which channels.

Remember that, depending on the profile of each person, this trajectory may vary; That is why it is so important to have your buyer persona well defined.

sales funnel

The is a model developed to map customer acquisition moments.

It is essential to know the stages of the funnel, since creating personalized strategies for each one increases the chances of attracting the attention of potential clients. These stages are:

  1. Top of the funnel (ToFu): phase of discovery or knowledge of the solution offered by the business.
  2. Middle of the funnel (MoFu): stage in which the person is familiar with the type of product, but is still researching it.
  3. Bottom of the funnel (BoFu): stage in which the purchase decision has already been made, it only remains to decide which market option to choose.


A lead is a person who provides some type of contact and becomes a business opportunity.

Usually, for the person to fill out the registration form, something is offered in return, such as a discount coupon on the first purchase or an e-book on an interesting topic.

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With the data collected it is possible to maintain close contact with these people through strategies such as e-mail marketing.

Here is a specific example and, by the way, we invite you to download this e-book to learn how to do email marketing and get quality leads:

Nurturing flow

It is the strategy created to nurture your leads, that is, keep them engaged with your business. In this way, a whole strategy is created so that communication with your potential clients makes sense.

Its objective is to organize the messages that will be sent to potential customers, in order to arouse and maintain their interest in your content, products and services.


One is any action you want a visitor to take. For example, a complete purchase.

It all depends on the goal you set for the initiative. When it is reached, you will have a conversion.

landing page

A landing page is the page through which a user arrives at a website.

For example, if you made an ad on Facebook for a promotion of perfumery products in your e-commerce, the link to that campaign should be a specific page for that action.

CTA (Call To Action)

It is a call to action text through which you tell the user what to do next.

Whether it’s when you receive an email, see an ad on social media, or read an article on your blog, it’s about promoting an action that brings a conversion. In general, the CTA has imperative text, urging the person to click somewhere.

What is digital marketing for?

Digital marketing is used to bring products or services directly to your potential customers through digital media.

To summarize, we are going to review the advantages of digital marketing.

It’s universal

It allows to take the brand to any point of the planet, without geographical or temporal limitations.

is segmentable

Although traditional marketing has segmentation possibilities, they are much smaller than in digital marketing. The latter allows you to target people of a certain age, educational level, specific lifestyle habits and many more characteristics.

The segmentation capacity is such that you can create differentiated advertising campaigns for each profile.

It is less invasive

Potential customers only enter an advertisement or open an email if it is of interest to them, if not, they ignore it.

In addition, and of the…

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