Super chat: earn money with YouTube lives

With the popularization of live broadcasts, YouTube has created Super Chat, a tool that allows viewers to donate money to youtubers during a live.

In a survey conducted by the 81% of the public interviewed responded that they had seen more videos in 2016 than in 2015. The same study confirms that more than 80% of those consulted prefer live videos instead of written content.

In the initial phase of Super Chat, only 20 channels were able to test the resource. But the idea worked so well that today all the channels on the platform that follow YouTube’s privacy policies and regulations manage to have their live sponsored by fans.

What are the advantages of making a live broadcast on YouTube?

Even with so many platforms available in the market, YouTube stands out above all of them. After all, after Google, it is the second largest search engine on the Internet.

And specifically in the Hispanic world, according to the study made by Hootsuite, it is used by more than 89% of active social network users in each country.

Have you still not decided to use YouTube for your? So, know these 6 reasons to do a live on the platform:

  • Live videos are automatically added to your channel.
  • Your live broadcast can stop in the “Trending” tab of the platform.
  • There is no post production.
  • After it’s over, your stream can be monetized through Google Ads.
  • You can do live broadcasts by cell phone.
  • Your viewers can participate in the live through comments.

Do you want to know more about Super chat and how to implement it in your live? So let’s go there!

What is Super Chat?

super chat is the new YouTube update that allows fans and content creators to interact during live broadcasts. The goal is to get people to buy Super chats to highlight their messages within the live.

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Donations range from $1 to $500. The higher the value, the greater the exposure time of the comment made by the fan. Another aspect that varies according to the value donated is the number of characters allowed in the comment. The limit to write goes from 0 to 350 characters.

The value donated by your fan will be displayed next to the comment. In addition, the viewer will be able to give the comment more attractive colors to draw the attention of the viewer. during transmission. It is worth noting that of the value donated during the broadcast, 70% is for the youtuber. The rest is for YouTube.

Why use Super Chat?

Since it emerged only a short time ago, many people are still unaware of the benefits that the new functionality of the platform offers. When using the tool, you don’t have to look only at the money donated by fans, because Super Chat goes much further than this.

Do you want to know why you should use it? Here are 5 reasons to adopt Super Chat in your live streams:

  • Get to know the public better and the content that most interests them.
  • Get a brand to sponsor your live.
  • Get sponsorship from fans to help you produce more content.
  • Increase your income.
  • Don’t rely on income alone .

How do you know if your channel is qualified for Super Chat?

Are you interested in the new functionality of YouTube and want to add it to your channel? Here are the necessary requirements to use it.

  • Your channel needs to be enabled to broadcast live.
  • You need to reside in countries where Super Chat is enabled.
  • Be over 18 years old or have a YouTube account linked to someone of legal age.
  • To activate Super Chat .
  • Have more than a thousand subscribers on the channel.
  • Your channel cannot produce content for children under 18 years of age.
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How to activate Super chat?

Now that you know your channel is qualified, it’s time to activate the feature. Do you want to earn money with your live broadcast? Then follow the step by step below to activate Super Chat on your channel.

  1. Sign in to YouTube.
  2. Sign in to YouTube Studio.
  3. To create.
  4. Broadcast live.
  5. Events.
  6. Select your live stream.
  7. Click Live Control Room.
  8. Click Open Super Chat in a new window to see your Super Chat module.

How can your fans buy Super Chats?

For your fans to buy Super chats, they just have to access your live and follow the following steps:

In the computer

  1. To purchase a Super Chat during a live broadcast on the computer, you need to go to the chat located on the right side of the screen and click on the dollar sign.
  2. Then click on “Send a Super Chat” and write your message.
  3. Slide the bar to enter a value and define how long your comment will stay pinned to the top of the chat feed. Then, click on “Buy and send”.
  4. Finally, register the credit card you want to use to make the payment. Once you have registered your card, click “Buy” to complete your purchase.

on Android

  1. In the live broadcast via cell phone, it will be necessary to click on “Live chat”.
  2. Next, click on the dollar sign on the right side of the screen. Once this is done, all you have to do is write the message. Mobile devices must be in portrait mode and live chat must be expanded.
  3. Then slide the bar to define the value and define the time that your comment will remain fixed at the top of the chat feed.
  4. Then, it’s just a click on “Buy and send”.
  5. Last but not least, select the credit card and click on “Buy” to confirm the operation.
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How to make money with Super chat?

The feature was created out of the observation that a number of YouTubers began asking their subscribers to make donations to help them keep their live streams going. Super chat has been working so well that some content producers are already making good money from their lives.

One case worth highlighting is that of YouTuber Andre Rebelo, from the Typical Gamer channel, who broadcast a game of the video game Grand Theft Auto V through a live broadcast and asked his fans to pay for the comments.

The fans responded to the youtuber’s request and during the broadcast he received 250 comments via Super chat, with which he earned about 4,000 USD.

Did you like the news? So, enable Super Chat on your. Thus, you make sure you earn additional money that is not only from Google Ads and also, you will get to know your followers better.

Simple isn’t it? And now, find out how to have an even bigger presence on YouTube by reading the !

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