Preventing the electricity bill from being a heavy blow every month is something that arises in all homes. To do this, several things must be clear: what rate is best for us and with which operator we could achieve greater savings. The Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) offers tools to find out under what conditions we can have the best electricity rate.
Pay attention to flat rates
, “the key to saving on your electricity bill is to check your rate regularly and compare it with the best offers on the market”. Thus, the search and tracking of the market seems to be an essential requirement to be able to spend ‘less’.
The body, yes, warns that, apart from the offers of the companies, there is a common denominator: , since on average it represents an increase of 30% with respect to the PVPC (Voluntary Price for Small Consumers, also known as the regulated) and 46% compared to fixed rates at a good price.
What are the cheapest electricity rates?
Taking this into account, and to obtain a map of electricity rates in our country, for a home that has a contracted power of 4.4 KW and an average consumption of 3,500 kWh in an off-peak schedule from 22:00 to 12:00, these are the cheapest electric In the list they appear, in addition to the PVPC, indexed (similar to the PVPC in the free market) and non-indexed.
-The cheapest is the regulated PVPC, which has an estimated annual price of 616.41 euros.
-The Fortuluz (indexed) is priced at 631.43 euros per year.
-The one from OVO Energy (indexed) costs 640.85 euros per year.
-The Pepeenergy ‘Lechuza’ for 658.01 euros per year.
-The one from Lucera ‘Quieropagarmenosluz’ (indexed), which has a price of 661.02 euros.
-The Aura Energía rate, which has an annual price of 678.56.
-The Bulb, with an annual cost of 694.80 euros per year.
-The Enercoluz night rate, with an annual price of 698.69 euros.
-The Liberluz ‘Liber Duo’ rate, which costs 699.46 euros per year.
-The Alcanzia ‘Fix Mornings’ rate, which has a price of 699.61 euros per year.
These are the ten best rates according to pre-established data. Companies and prices may vary depending on those sections that must be filled in (consumption, contracted power, off-peak hours) and that may be different in each home.
For this reason, it is recommended that, although these data are quite indicative, our particular conditions are entered in the OCU comparator () in order to have a clearer and more personalized idea of what we can do with our invoice. The comparator also includes a section to view the best gas or electricity and gas offers.