The 10 most expensive foods in the world: snacks that are worth their weight in gold (or something else)

The world of gastronomy has seen its fair share of extravagant projects where astronomical amounts are charged for dishes and services that often fail to live up to their price tag. However, it’s important not to let this cloud our perspective on kitchens that truly excel in providing exceptional dining experiences. In many cases, the description of certain dishes being “worth their weight in gold” holds true. These dishes feature some of the most expensive ingredients in the world.

Caviar Souls

Caviar, with or without its ‘soul’, has long been considered a luxurious delicacy, best enjoyed with a bottle of chilled champagne. At the highest echelon of caviar is the Almas caviar, also known as ‘diamond’ in Russian. The lighter the caviar, the higher its perceived quality. Its price can exceed a staggering 18,000 euros per kilo due to the scarcity of the fish responsible for producing these exquisite roe.

Alba White Truffle

The Alba white truffle, also known as the Italian or Piedmont white truffle, stands as the most exclusive and highly esteemed variety of truffle. Despite attempts to cultivate it during the 1970s and 1980s, it remains a challenging endeavor, unlike its more readily cultivated counterpart, the winter black truffle. Prices are typically established during the Annual Alba White Truffle Fair, with last year’s record setting at 85,000 euros for 850 grams.

Kobe Beef

Kobe beef, originating from the Tajima breed in the Kobe region of Japan, is revered as a national treasure and widely regarded as the finest meat in the world. This exceptional quality comes at a price, with Kobe beef fetching up to 200 euros per kilo. Beware of establishments offering Kobe beef at unusually low prices, as this may signal a compromise in quality.

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Known as ‘red gold’, saffron is the most expensive spice globally. Its price ranges between 4,500 and 9,000 euros per 450 grams, a stark contrast to the supermarket price of approximately 10 euros per gram. The labor-intensive process, demanding 150 flowers to produce just one gram of dried saffron, accounts for its high cost. Keep an eye out for the rising prominence of Menorcan saffron.

Matsutake Mushroom

The matsutake mushroom, also known as the pine mushroom, is not only exceptionally rare but also demands specialized transport due to its fragile nature. These factors contribute to its exclusivity, with a price tag of around 1,000 euros for 500 grams.

Densuke Watermelon

In Japan, where arable land is limited, fruit takes on a different level of significance. The Densuke black watermelon, grown exclusively on the island of Hokkaido, commands a hefty price due to its scarcity. Recently, a watermelon weighing around 8 kilos fetched an astounding 5,500 euros.

Yubari Melon

Similar to the Densuke watermelon, the Yubari melon is harvested in only one location in the world: the island of Hokkaido. This exclusivity led to a recent auction where someone paid a staggering 25,500 euros for two Yubari melons.

Knipschildt’s Chocolate Bonbon

Crafted by Danish master chocolatier Fritz Knipschildt, these confectionery gems consist of Périgord truffles encased in Valrhona dark chocolate, each priced at 200 euros. It’s up to individual preference whether to indulge in a dozen or settle for a more modest quantity.


Known for its distinctive appearance, the puffer fish, or fugu, has gained notoriety as the world’s most dangerous delicacy. Improper preparation can be lethal, as there is no known antidote to its poison. Meticulous expertise is required for its safe consumption, making each piece priced at – and often surpassing – 180 euros.

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Edible Gold

While discussing extravagant foods, it’s impossible to overlook gold. Functioning solely as an aesthetic ‘condiment’, it imparts no distinct flavor or nutritional value but offers abundant decorative potential. For 40 euros, one can obtain 100 grams of 22-carat fine gold flakes, adding a touch of true luxury to culinary creations.

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