The 20 types of web pages most used today

On the Internet there are different types of web pages and by knowing what they are, what they are for and the number of visits they receive, you will have a more complete picture when you want to use any of them to make yourself known on the network.

It is very difficult to think of a world without the Internet, and although for those of us who have had to live part of our lives without it, it may be easy to remember it. But I think I speak for many in acknowledging all the advantages we now have thanks to this technological tool.

Art, knowledge, politics, video games, shopping, friends… In the network it is possible to find everything that interests you. For this reason, to better understand the magnitude of the Internet now —and the best places to take your messages— it is important to know in detail what types of pages shape it.

come with me if you want to know what are the types of pages most used today.

What is a web page?

A web page is a digital document provided by a websitewhich can be visited by a user through an Internet browser and contains information of all kinds in multiple formats; from text and images – the most basic combination – to videos and links to other web pages.

The Internet is made up of millions of web pages, which in turn are part of millions of websites. Both pages and sites, just like a house or building in the physical world, require an address so that you can reach them. When you enter the address in a browser, it contacts the place —— that hosts that information to show it to you.

Just on August 6 of last year, it was 30 years since the birth of the first Internet page. And although the original site has moved, a project to preserve this .

Elements of a web page

The basic elements that a web page must have are:

  • web code
  • navigation components
  • Content and features

Let’s see each element so that you can locate where each one is on the web pages you visit.

Web domain

It is the identifier that allows a browser to reach a page from anywhere in the world. It is just that line that you place in the navigation bar or that appears when you arrive at a web page.

web code

The data between the server that hosts the page and the browser on your computer or cell phone is transmitted in packets of code. These in turn are translated by your browser to show you the interactive form of the page.

navigation components

It is all those elements that allow you to “move” within the page. Here are the bars to interact with the content, menus to take you to different parts of the page or links to visit other pages within the same site or outside of it.

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Content and features

All that information within the page. This can be from simple text, through audio and video, banners or illustrative images, to three-dimensional animations. Features are those qualities unique to presenting content on a page or website.

Depending on the content and features What does each web page have? it is possible to divide them by typesand we will see that next.

The 20 types of web pages most used today

From the most basic, to those that make dreams come true, these are the 20 types of web pages that are most used today:

  1. Websites
  2. Websites
  3. search engines
  4. Portals or news sites
  5. corporate sites
  6. Landing pages or landing pages
  7. Government pages
  8. Application and program sites
  9. Portfolios and professional connection
  10. Social networks
  11. Online stores or ecommerce
  12. wiki
  13. service sites
  14. educational sites
  15. Forums and communities
  16. Gaming and entertainment sites
  17. blogging
  18. video sites
  19. music sites
  20. Fundraising Pages

Let’s review each type and how much they contribute to the world of the Internet, is that okay with you? 🚀

1. Websites

The basic unit of information on the web is the foundation on which all Internet content lives. It is becoming easier to have anything and the number of pages that exist prove it.

📌Now you know: There are 50 billion web pages on the Internet, and of those, only 5 billion appear on Google, according to Siteefy.

2. Websites

it groups several web pages under the same theme, and this practice is what brings order to our beloved network. Websites are to contain all our interests in an attractive and eye-catching way.

📌Now you know: Siteefy also tells us that although there are 1.179 million websites worldwide, only 17% of them are active.

3. Finders

How do you find something on the Internet? Thanks to the seekers! These wonderful inventions are our guides in the sea of ​​content that is on the net. Whether with an idea or a word, they always help us find what we need.

📌Now you know: Google, the most widely used search engine in the world, helps to carry out just over 8 billion daily searches on average. Look for the data. You see? 8 billion +1. 😁

4. Portals or news sites

Websites dedicated to sharing news of all kinds take up a significant amount of web traffic. After all, who doesn’t want to know what’s going on in the world?

📌Now you know: The news portal, the largest and most important in the world, received 1.2 billion visits in January alone, according to Similarweb.

5. Corporate sites

When brands want to present what they are and what they do, the best alternative remains a corporate site. In it, it is possible to concentrate all the information of a company and also turn it into the central node of a branding strategy.

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📌Now you know: There must be consistency between your corporate site and what you do on the rest of the Internet. Forbes says that companies that do this can increase their monetary profits by up to 23%.

6. Landing pages or landing pages

The favorite type of pages of the . The purpose of a landing or landing page is to provide the user with all the information they are looking for to decide to use, download or consider a product.

📌Now you know: According to Hubspot, companies that use between 10 and 15 landing pages for their campaigns, increase their leads (contacts of interest) in 55%.

7. Government pages

At the top of the Internet structure are these sites dedicated to bringing together the government agencies of each country for citizen consultation and support. They say that the civility of a country can be measured by the quality of its government sites. Will be?

📌Now you know: the two most visited government sites in our country are and . According to Similarweb, the Mexican government portal receives around 50 million monthly visits, while the site dedicated to the tax service receives close to 30 million. By the way, don’t forget that in April it’s time for the . 😉

8. App and Program Sites

In these types of pages, it is possible to download all the software you need for your cell phone, tablet or any computer equipment. Although we could also consider them browsers, I like to think of them as a giant cupboard for my devices.

📌Now you know: Google Play, the world’s most used app site, enabled 111 billion apps to be downloaded in 2021.

9. Portfolios and professional connection

Printing your CV when looking for a job or reviewing gigantic catalogs to find human talent are practices that are left in the past, thanks to pages like these, where you share your experience and professional skills with the world.

📌Now you know: LinkedIn, the most widely used professional connection platform on the Internet, already exceeds 810 million users.

10. Social networks

Tweeting, reels, likes… These are words that are already part of our daily vocabulary, and perhaps, about 15 years ago, we did not think about the importance and impact they would have on our lives. Simply, they came to stay and connect us.

📌Now you know: The digital analysis firm Kepios showed in a study that, in January 2022, the figure of 4 thousand 620 million social network users was reached worldwide. This is equivalent to 58.4% of the world’s population.

11. Online stores or ecommerce

When you want to sell something, there is no better showcase to do it than your own online store. These spaces have a shopping cart, a product catalog and are available all the time to everyone.

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📌Now you know: An Etailinsights study in 2021 found that there are just over 9 million ecommerce retailers in the world. And if you want to be part of all the people who already sell online, I invite you to visit Tiendanube. and sell what you want!

12. Wiki

Collaborative consultation pages —or wikis— allow information to be generated and organized according to different topics in an intuitive and functional way. The best part is that they are democratic: they are built by the users themselves.

📌Now you know: Within the types of web pages, Wikipedia in Spanish contains 1 million 719 thousand articles, while the original version in English already exceeds 6 million pages.

13. Service Sites

Here are all those pages that are there to make your life easier with intangible elements (free or paid), such as booking a plane flight, showing you the best route to get to a place or downloading photos to use on your website.

📌Now you know: Uber, the most used mobility platform, registers almost 19 million trips daily around the world.

14. Educational Sites

One of the greatest achievements of the Internet is to bring knowledge to all kinds of people. Educational platforms have contributed to making it possible to learn new skills at any time and from anywhere.

📌Now you know: Instructure is the most visited educational site in the world, accumulating just over 490 million visits per month, according to data from Similarweb.

15. Forums and communities

Probably one of the oldest forms of web pages that exist, since discussion forums, bulletins and virtual communities have been around almost since the beginning of the Internet. Today, they are the nest where memes are born and perfected.

📌Now you know: Reddit, the world’s largest online community, has already surpassed 430 million monthly active users.

16. Gaming and entertainment sites

Thanks to the Internet, gamers have remote multiplayer mode in our video games. But in addition, different types of web pages related to digital entertainment have emerged that keep us in front of the screen all the time.

📌Now you know: Twitch is the most popular dedicated gaming website in the world, with just over 140 million unique visitors who don’t play, but watch gamers play. 🤷🏽‍♂️

17. Blogging

Since its inception in 1994, digital blogs have functioned as the ideal places you turn to learn, inform yourself or get someone’s opinion at a much higher level…

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