How to create a blog: steps to do it successfully in 2022

If you came to our site wondering how to create a blog, we invite you to continue reading this practical guide! There are some key steps that will help you to make a blog and earn money or enhance your content.

Each of these stages will take time and dedication, but the results will surprise you, especially if your goal is to boost the sales of your business.

Speaking of internet sales, do you already have an online store to offer your products or services? The online shopping experience is integral when it is done through an e-commerce site. For this, we invite you to . You will discover an easy-to-manage platform with everything you need to sell.

Making a blog to drive traffic to your online store will allow you to generate more brand awareness and increase your conversion.

In this article we share everything with you so you know how to make an amazing blog and why this resource is an excellent digital marketing tool to communicate with your audience.

In addition to this, we share an exclusive infographic with the main statistics that reaffirm the validity of blogging.

A blog is a place where texts on certain topics are published and it is updated periodically. The post you are reading now is a specific example of an article on the Tiendanube blog.

We know that you are here to learn how to create a personal, commercial or corporate blog, so let’s get down to the most important thing!

How to create a blog step by step

To make a blog from scratch it is not necessary to have knowledge of web development. There are platforms that are designed so that any Internet user can handle them intuitively and create their website.

However, creating a blog from scratch involves a few more points than simply deciding on a tool:

  1. Choose the theme.
  2. Create your name and buy the domain.
  3. Select a platform and create the blog.
  4. Customize the design.
  5. Post content.
  6. Promote it on other online channels.
  7. Monetize the blog.

Let’s delve into each of them.

1. Choose the theme

For your blog to be an effective acquisition channel, the theme must be relevant to the segment of .

A frequent mistake in company blogs is to talk only about the institutional aspects of the brand, its products and offers. It is difficult for users to share this type of content. Making an occasional publication with an offer is not bad, but that cannot be the central theme of your blog.

It is best to reflect on the interests or difficulties of your customers. For example, if you have one for young teenagers, you can make publications about the best dresses to go to a party of 15 and what to combine them with or what things you have to avoid when dressing to go to a party.

If, on the other hand, you have an electronics store with a focus on gaming gear, you can post about the best devices to play a certain game or the best mouse or keyboard of the year.

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Let’s continue learning how to create a blog!

2. Create your name and buy the domain

Like any digital product, to be recognizable and memorable, it must have a very good name. And what does this mean? To put it briefly, it is a word or phrase that allows the user to associate your brand with the product or service that it promotes.

For this, we invite you to give flight to your creativity with our . This tool allows you to start from the base of an idea and discover original combinations.

In any case, there are no golden rules in this area. You can invent a word and implement one focused on improving recognition by your audience.

Once you have your brand name, we advise you if the domain is already in use. If you find it available, what follows is to buy the domain and hire a (web hosting).

I learned more about this:


3. Select a platform and create the blog

We have arrived at the moment of materializing what we have been planning in this tutorial on how to create a blog. A CMS is a Content Management System, that is, the software with which you are actually going to design, publish and manage the blog.

The two most used for this are WordPress and Blogger.

In the next section of this article, we share a step by step on how to make a blog with each of them. For now, we want to give you valuable information so that you can select a platform according to the characteristics and needs of your business or the type of blog you have in mind.

Features to consider when choosing the platform

a. Cost

There are free and paid solutions. Of course, depending on the price, the benefits and the level of support will vary.

b. hosting

There are two types of solutions, those that provide hosting included, and those that offer the software but you have to install and maintain it with a hosting provider (known as self-hosted solutions).

c. Own domain

Not all platforms allow you to set up your own . If you want the links to your posts to help position your site, it is essential that you use your own domain. Otherwise, the value of the link will be attributed, for example, to and not to your domain.

d. Design

Regarding the design of your blog, you have the possibility to decide between choosing a free template, buying a template or using a totally personalized design.

and. Social sharing buttons

If you want to maximize the reach of your posts, you have to make it easy for your readers to share them. It is important that the buttons to share your posts on the main social networks such as Instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp are visible and accessible.

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Boost your sales with an online store!

F. Text editor

There are two types of editors, the editors in which you see how the text will look while you edit it (called What You See Is What You Get), and the HTML and CSS editors.

If you don’t know about HTML and CSS (and aren’t looking to learn it), the WYSIWYG editor is enough. But if you want complete control over the visual appearance of your post, then the HTML and CSS editor is the one for you.

g. SEO (search engine optimization)

For your blog to be effective as an acquisition channel, it is essential that it is . The solution you choose should allow you to define friendly URLs and correctly complete the so-called meta tags.

Learn more about this:


h. subscriptions

This is a central point of any blog, since they allow you to generate a reader base. There are two types of subscriptions: through or through email. To give your readers more flexibility, we recommend offering both.

To give you a concrete example and, by the way, invite you to be part of our community of digital entrepreneurs, we invite you to subscribe to our newsletter below!

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Yo. Authors

In company blogs, there is often more than one editor. If you want each author to have their own identity within the blog so that readers can follow their posts, make sure you choose a platform that allows you to manage multiple authors.

J. analytics

As we always recommend in this blog, each acquisition strategy must be accompanied by a measurement technique that allows it to analyze its success.

The platform you choose should offer a measurement system, or better yet, allow you to integrate some of the most popular Analytics solutions in your blog, such as .

k. Support

As with any service, queries or failures may arise. Each solution offers different levels of service: a help page, a forum or email support. However, each level of service carries a cost, it is important to analyze if you can afford it.

l. plugins

Some platforms allow you to install plugins or widgets. These are very useful for adding certain useful features that may be missing from the platform.

4. Customize the design

When creating your blog on Blogger, WordPress or another similar platform, you will be able to choose a template. These are pre-made designs that allow you to start with a basic layout and then customize your website.

For example, all 11 offer you varied e-commerce site designs so you can create a usable online store in less than an hour. On top of that, you will be able to select the colors of your brand, upload your products and categories, define banners and much more!

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WordPress stands out especially for having an innumerable number of themes with which you can define any aspect of your blog: the menu layout, colors, typography, etc.

5. Post content

If you started reading with the question of how to create a blog, surely you already know what topics you are going to deal with in it. It’s time to nurture your website and start uploading content.

If you are working with WordPress, you are going to go to the side menu on the left, select Posts> Add new. This will take you to the editing panel where you can include your article’s title, text, links, images, and videos, as well as define other paratextual elements.

Some ideas of formats and content that you can publish on your blog are:

  • infographics,
  • videos,
  • e-books
  • interviews with relevant figures in the industry,
  • interviews with successful clients,
  • ,
  • own thoughts and opinions.

At this point it is important to mention again the importance of SEO guidelines to favor the positioning of your content in organic searches.

For this we recommend you install the “Yoast SEO” plugin that will allow you to define one for your content, write the meta tags and analyze if you included the best SEO practices.

If you are not clear about what any of these concepts are about, we invite you to read our . Although it is aimed at online stores, you will be able to apply everything you learned to any website.

Creating , is a strategy that can work very well: it generates brand recognition, helps the positioning of your website and that they know you!

6. Promote it on other online channels

Once you’ve published your content, it’s time to start promoting it through other channels for .

At this point we recommend you to disclose the contents of your blog on platforms such as Instagram or Twitter. In truth, you will be able to decide on which of your blogs you are going to share the content of your blog when you are clear about which channels your online audience moves through.

If you have another, for example, an online store, it is also crucial that you include a link to your blog to promote visits to it.

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