The CaixaBank unions take their protests to the board and ask for a payment for the effort

The union sections of have taken to the one held today by the bank in Valencia the protests promoted in recent months due to the situation in which the workforce has been left after the Employment Regulation File (ERE), in which and commercial pressures , requesting the payment of extra pay to employees for the effort undertaken in the last year.

Up to 17 responsible for the CCOO unions; UGT, Sesbe, Accam, CGT, Sesfi, ACB or Aceec made use of the shareholders’ right to intervene to denounce having endured “the wildest ERE in this country” and “unbearable” commercial pressure, which have the workforce “exhausted and unmotivated.”

“Things are not going well, we need means, planning and organization”; “the great forgotten are those behind the income statement, benefits and the dividend”, “the drift, with so many demands, leaving the workforce unprotected in the face of society’s demand, does nothing but cause despair and demotivation “, are some of the messages launched by those responsible.

The different interventions found the common complaint of overexertion in a workforce that the adjustments have left, in his opinion, “reduced” to serve customers well and the claim that, despite everything and with the added difficulties of the pandemic, demonstrated “be more than up to the task” since he has worked “professionally, with integrity, strength and courage in the toughest moments”.

Proof of this situation, according to some of the union delegates, is that “going to work ends up becoming a sentence” and causes “more than 20%” of the employees who joined the ERE to be under 50 years of age, that they still have to channel their work life because the situation “did not allow them to live”. Among their complaints, they also alluded to the relegation of numerous employees to inferior functions when welding integration and organization charts, and they disfigured the salaries of the leadership while these adjustments are taking place.

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The president of CaixaBank, José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, and the CEO, Gonzalo Gortázar, recognized the effort and that it is the staff that builds the account. “The difference between excellent banks and those that are not only and fundamentally lies in the human teams, and I am convinced that this will continue to be the case, even in a much more digitized and technological world,” said Goirigolzarri, who he was convinced that “people, with their professionalism and commitment, are what differentiate excellent companies from those that are not”.

The president of CaixaBank framed the need for adjustments within the strong competition that banking is experiencing and the unfavorable rate scenario, and recalled that the integration with Bankia has taken place in record time and in the midst of a pandemic, with the added difficulties what that entails. However, he praised the “absolutely extraordinary” behavior, both of those who have made the technical and operational integration possible and those who are on the front lines in branches, serving customers.

“We agree on what is fundamental, that the commitment of our staff is what is most valuable and what has allowed us to get to where we are,” added Gortázar, who also attributed the situation to integration. “If someone thinks that this whole process, in a period that is only 12 months after the merger, is easy and that it will happen without great effort and without unforeseen incidents, then it is not realistic,” he added.

However, he defended that it was necessary and congratulated himself that “we have all rowed in the same direction. Here there are no sides or different classes depending on the entities from which they come. We are a team, we have a single vision and honestly, we share a shared illusion”, he added, also congratulating everyone for what they have achieved.

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