The Community of Madrid will allocate 35 million euros to scholarships for face-to-face and online training for Intermediate and Higher Education

The difficulty in accessing Vocational Training studies is an issue that worries Madrid students. After the situation experienced last year, where a total of 25,000 applicants were unable to obtain a public place in the FP studies offered in the capital, the Community of Madrid has decided to promote enrollment in private centers by increasing the financial amount as well as the number of beneficiaries of existing scholarships for FP studies.

Specifically, for the 2022-2023 academic year, the Governing Council has approved a budget item of 30.5 million euros, a budget that increases by 12 million euros and is 65% higher than the previous period. Among the most outstanding novelties, it should be noted that this year the scholarship is also available for students of online training and for those of Intermediate Degree, a very important aspect since until now it was only allocated to face-to-face studies of Higher Degree. This measure, according to the regional government, will increase the number of beneficiaries by 50%. In addition, to apply for this scholarship it is essential that the applicant is under 35 years of age and that they have not repeated the course for which they are applying.

Thanks to this initiative, the autonomous community intends to expand the possibilities of choice for families and students when enrolling in any type of vocational training. However, despite the fact that this is a measure that is very well received by the educational community, it is necessary for private centers to be aware that the economic factor continues to condition many young people. To reverse this situation, from CEAC FP Oficial they comment that “to guarantee access to Vocational Training it is necessary to complement public aid with private scholarships that significantly reduce the total cost of studies”. For this reason, “CEAC FP Oficial offers study aid which, added to the scholarships offered by the Community of Madrid, can reduce the costs of a FP by up to 80%” they add.

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Vocational Training, a modality that is gaining weight in Madrid

Thus, the Community of Madrid takes measures with the aim of remedying the difficulties of access to Vocational Training by young people. In this sense, it should be noted that it is an initiative that responds to the growing demand for vacancies in VT centers, an educational modality that has more followers every day and that stands out for its firm theoretical-practical commitment and for having a high rate of employability. “Promoting enrollment in private centers is an initiative that focuses on offering quality education where the main objective is to connect students with the labor market,” say CEAC FP Oficial sources. In this context, Vocational Training, which had more than one million enrolled nationwide in the 2021-2022 academic year, is gaining weight in Madrid, a city that is positioned as a focus for attracting talent and where more and more young people are growing every day. who want to study.

“Educational institutions need to respond to this growing demand and, precisely for this reason, CEAC FP Oficial makes a firm commitment to the capital and inaugurates a new 100% face-to-face center in Madrid” explain the spokespersons for the educational institution. “The center, which will have more than 6,000m², offers face-to-face training and is equipped with the latest technology” they add. In this sense, from CEAP FP Oficial they emphasize that “offering students an innovative environment adapted to the needs of each degree allows them to follow the learning by doing methodology, where the most important thing is that students acquire the necessary skills to grow and develop Personally and professionally”.

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