The Future of Work: 20 Career Paths That Will Influence the Years to Come

With the COVID-19 pandemic affecting all economies, online tools point to new career paths in our current global context. Many new occupations are emerging every day, while others are adapting to the digital age. That is why it is essential that those who wish to enter the labor market know how new technologies affect future professions.

invites you to be in tune with these projections and changes even if you already work in the market.

How projections are made

When we talk about future professions, we must pay attention to the fact that they are projections, not predictions. It is not a “guessing game”, but a practice based on studies and data investigations. The Cognizant organization’s Center for the Future of Work is an example of an institution undertaking such research projects. The researchers analyze a series of variables in the present, with the aim of understanding how they will settle in the future.

The only “crystal ball” used by futurists is statistics and numbers, a thorough analysis of current social and political arrangements, and a careful look at world technology trends. It means that creating future projections involves a lot of reading about what is happening around us and building a mental map of various elements related to technologies and societies.

So it is possible to affirm that generating projections about future professions requires a lot of research, interviews, statistical calculation and comparative exercises. This is relevant and important work because it allows people to prepare for the occupations of the future.

20 professions for 2030 according to futurists

Mobile technologies and cloud computing are important right now. Therefore, most futurologists point out that the future of work will be significantly related to them. All the listed professions require knowledge and skills about online technologies and tools from new professionals. Let’s go deeper.

1. Big data analyst

When the trend indicates the growing excess of data and information that flows daily in our lives, the Big Data Analyst is the typical future professional requested by many companies. In this case, this professional will be in charge of collecting and analyzing all kinds of data. Its objective is to analyze the data and information that circulate online, influencing the project and the growth of a company. By having someone adept at exploring the vast amount of data on the Internet, a company can assess new opportunities and establish its business strategies.

2. Cyber ​​attack agent

Today, many daily activities take place online. People sell and buy goods and services over the Internet, pay their bills, manage their bank accounts, and much more.

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That is why it is essential that the Internet be a safe environment for doing business. That said, the Cyber ​​Attack Agent will be one of the most sought after professionals in the future. They must have the knowledge to protect online systems and identify hackers.

3. Customer Success Specialist

The main objective of this professional is to provide comprehensive support to customers regarding a particular product or service that has been or is being purchased. The customer success agent is responsible for ensuring clear communication between the company and the customer. The advantages of these professionals for a company are clear: they ensure qualified customer service, promoting customer satisfaction and loyalty to the brand. Even today, with a lot of online stores using various communication channels, the role of this professional is already vital.

4. Voice UX Designer

As voice devices increasingly dominate the world of web technology, the services of voice UX designers become very relevant. For this technology to scale, the voice UX professional must use their knowledge of the user experience to develop and improve technological devices based on human voices. This professional must understand how communication between the system and the user works, adopting the best practices that can facilitate interaction.

5. Walker-Talker

Walker-Talkers are self-employed professionals, and their job is to interact with older clients through online platforms. It is possible to say that a Walker-Talker works as someone who offers support to people who live alone and far from their families.

6. Information Security Analyst

This professional aims to ensure the security of a company’s online and digital information, preventing it from being stolen or manipulated. As online technologies develop, we must also think about the people who might act on the possibility of gaining certain advantages by invading and attacking systems to steal data. It is worth mentioning that the Information Security Analyst is responsible for maintaining data security, as well as finding and developing new solutions that can help the company.

7. Augmented reality manager

Unlike virtual reality, augmented reality (AR) keeps the user in the real world and provides the ability to interact with virtual items. AR is not only used to create many games, but also in a more general business context. For example, companies such as furniture stores and interior decoration companies can display their products with the help of augmented reality technologies. Therefore, it is very likely that professionals who understand and excel with this type of technology will have a lot of space in the job market soon.

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8. Innovation Manager

The Innovation Manager has the job of evaluating all the strategies of a company. Given that innovation is essential for the success of a company today, and even more so in the future, this career will become increasingly popular. In the face of ever-growing international competition, the responsibilities of an Innovation Manager are related to establishing new strategies for a brand, so that it can always be on top.

9. eCommerce Specialist

Online stores are no longer a trend, they are a reality: every day, millions of people make transactions and purchases online. For that reason, the future is bright for eCommerce specialists. These workers determine the best strategies and the most efficient technologies to increase sales and improve the shopping experience of an online store.

10. Mental health professional

Taking care of mental health is becoming more and more one of the main priorities of all the people who live in this hurried daily life that is characteristic of our decade. The pressure of work, our personal lives and the excess of information often generate a lot of stress. Hence why the work of mental health professionals will become more and more prominent in our society. Psychologists and psychiatrists are a vital link in our community, and now offer services online as well.

11. Talent Manager

Talent management is an essential activity in a company’s success strategy because it is possible to avoid high employee turnover and keep great collaborators in the team. That is why this occupation will be even more critical in the future. Efficient talent management identifies the strengths and weaknesses of people, helping to train them to become even more qualified professionals. In addition to all that, a Talent Manager also acts on the hiring of new employees.

12. Inside Sales Representative

It is an occupation that will be acting more and more in the market, mainly because customers are more demanding every day. The commercial is in charge of making the sales process more efficient, a fundamental step to guarantee a qualified service to your clients.

13. Machine Risk Officer

In our current technological environment, where companies use a wide range of machinery, the Machinery Hazards Office works to reduce or completely eliminate the risks that affect employees who interact with machinery.

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14. Data Detective

This new profession is gaining more space within corporations by the minute, and it will be a highly sought after job opening in the near future. The reason is obvious: the data detective analyzes many types of data online and increases the revenue of a company. The data detective investigates and analyzes data, allowing them to compare, share, and interpret information available on social media platforms, websites, databases, and even registration forms.

By examining this data, the professional can detect fraud or flaws that could compromise the company. His work is also essential to improve the applications installed on the software, for example, Siri. In addition, a data detective can optimize product sales processes. This future profession requires a great deal of knowledge in computer science, computer science and other areas, such as financial mathematics and Internet law.

fifteen . IT Facilitator

IT has long been established as a cornerstone of business. Their relevance is even more apparent in the digital age, which means the IT Enabler will be even more sought after for a company’s success in the future. In addition to their core activities, the IT facilitator helps other employees use workplace technologies, as well as install software programs and security systems.

16. Ethical Sourcing Officer

This future profession indicates a person who aims to research, monitor, manage and promote agreements for the supply of products and services. The Ethical Sourcing Officer ensures that all provisions of a contract or agreement are followed, taking into account the moral issues associated with it.

17. Healthcare technician assisted by artificial intelligence

AI is already part of our daily lives in many ways. Facial recognition is just one of many existing examples. But many of the advantages that AI creates are also used for the health sector. That is why those who already work in this area should begin to familiarize themselves with AI-based tools, helping the professional to examine and monitor patients remotely, remotely.

18. Cybercity Analyst

Nowadays, it is common to hear about the Internet of Things, which allows an online connection between many objects, creating a network of connected devices…

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