The Social Security notice for the maternity supplement: this is how you should request it together with your pension

The maternity supplement to reduce the gender gap to replace the previous one with the aim of reaching more than 30,000 people during 2021.

Regarding this supplement, the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration has recalled that it must be requested at the same time as the retirement, permanent disability or widowhood pension that is going to be requested.

The agency explains that it must be included in the same form in which the contributory pension is requested, whatever type it may be. The request to receive the maternity supplement must include the following data of the dependent child or children: name, surnames, DNI, date of birth and date of resolution of the adoption (if applicable).

You must also provide the data of the other spouse: name, surnames, DNI, date of birth, sex and, if applicable, if they do not exist or have died.

In addition, in order to confirm the information presented, certificates from the Civil Registry or Family Book must be provided, as well as the judicial resolutions of adoption or the administrative or judicial decisions of fostering, if necessary.

This request, together with the form to request the pension, can be submitted in several ways: by means of a digital certificate () or electronic ID, as well as in person at the Social Security offices, by calling 91 541 25 for an appointment. 30 and 901 10 65 70 or on the agency’s website.

What does the maternity supplement consist of and amounts

The aid is for all those women who, being attached to a Social Security scheme and have children, are going to request a retirement, widowhood or temporary disability pension. Men can also request it due to the death of the other parent and proving the limitation or damage to professional life.

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The amount of the aid is 378 euros per year per child, at a rate of 27 euros per month in 14 payments. For two children the aid is 756 euros per year and 54 per month, while for three children it is 1,134 euros per year and 81 per month and for four or more children it is 1,512 euros per year and 108 euros per month.

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