This is the Social Security calculator to find out if you are entitled to the Minimum Vital Income (and its amount)

The Minimum Vital Income (IMV) reaches at least 800,000 people, according to the latest data updated by Social Security, corresponding to the month of September. However, the intention of the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations at the time of its implementation is that it could reach 2.3 million people, so many citizens will still have the right to collect it without them knowing it.

That is why the body makes a simulator available to all citizens with which to find out whether or not they are entitled to receive this benefit. In its Social Security, it has explained that, with it, anyone can check it easily both in its Electronic Office and on the website.

The simulator is freely accessible and can be used, in which it is reported that it is for informational purposes only and in no case is it a processing of the benefit, just a way to check if you have the right to receive the IMV and its possible amount .

The system uses a question-and-answer method that obliges citizens to answer questions about their income, their family unit, whether they have dependent minors, the number of years of legal residence in Spain… once everything has been answered, they will will notify the citizen whether or not they are entitled to receive the Minimum Vital Income.

If you can collect it, the system will indicate the possible amount that you will be able to receive, that this simulator is not binding and, therefore, it is simply an approximate method.

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When the simulator determines that the person who has consulted it meets the requirements to collect the Minimum Vital Income, it gives them the option of redirecting them directly to the website where the application procedures for the benefit begin. If the citizen wishes, he can ask for help from that very moment.

In parallel, Social Security provides different manuals and help guides with the aim of clarifying these procedures for citizens as much as possible. In addition, it has set up the free telephone number 900 20 22 22 that provides service from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and can be reached with any questions.

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