Toys’R’Us in bankruptcy: the lack of online competitiveness leads the giant to bankruptcy

is happening. Shortly after informing us that they would take measures to prevent the debt they held, approximately 5,000 million dollars (4,168 million euros), the multinational Toys’R’Us has begun the procedures to benefit from the bankruptcy law in the court of Virginia (USA).

A bankruptcy announced

Just over two years ago, Toys’R’Us told us the closure of its most emblematic store, his Times Square store in New York. This news already predicted the inevitable end that they are now telling us, that they are on the verge of bankruptcy.

Toys’R’Us has not been able to impose itself in the online sale of toysyes One that has never been completely convincing, a website that is unable to match the shipping advantages of its competitors, stores that generate debts and a traditional mentality of not cutting prices, have made buyers use your favorite comparison tool: the Internet.

Finally, buyers have decided to opt online for the more accessible prices of pure players such as the giant Amazon and its incredible delivery facilities and in the physical for the discounts offered by another giant such as Walmartwhich has won the game in its domestic market.

This is the second largest bankruptcy in 2017 of a retail group in the US (the first was Kmart) although the company has more than 1,600 stores around the world and more than 6,400 employees.

Repercussion of the bankruptcy of Toys’r’us in social networks

Predictably, the bankruptcy of Toys’r’us has generated a great impact around the world:

Now we’re smartasses playing “Toys ‘R’ Us”, but you’re dying to play TOISARÁS, ehhhhh ehhhhh (elbow elbow elbow)

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– Chachuela (@12chache)

First reactions to the news of the bankruptcy of Toys R Us

— ღαɾtα (@martiescriu)

Toys ‘R’ Us is filing for bankruptcy. TOYS ‘R’ US IN BANKRUPTCY AND THE ONE WE RESCUE WAS BANKIA.

— Archer (@Cristoysupisto)

If Toys ‘R’ Us closes… Where will you buy me the Scalextric?

– Guzaan & Endogamix (@GuzaanEndogamix)

Toys ‘R’ Us goes bankrupt. We’ll have to go back to the Chinese on the corner…

– Guzaan & Endogamix (@GuzaanEndogamix)

The same is not Amazon the one that ends with Toys ‘R’ Us. The same thing is that to buy a Lego you have to sell a kidney and part of the liver.

– Álvaro Verde (@Kaiman_Tanaka)

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