URL Builder: how to use it to crawl your pages

For those who act in the digital market, it is essential to know and understand the numbers of the enterprise in order to achieve the desired success. they show the performance of the business, its presence in the market, the number of clients, the conversion rate and many other relevant information.

Everything that is done in the enterprise has to be thoroughly analyzed so that the manager can develop appropriate measures and actions to achieve more results.

This is one of the great advantages offered by online work: the ease of measuring all the data obtained and in real time.

Digital marketing offers several tools that allow you to obtain and analyze data. However, there is a large number of entrepreneurs who feel unable to obtain this information adequately.

This lack of knowledge is an obstacle mainly when it comes to understanding advertising campaigns. Without knowing which of them is directing more traffic to their business site, the entrepreneur is lost and may end up investing money in campaigns that may not be working as expected.

This is where the URL Builder comes in, a free tool available from the giant Google that allows you to of your site and track the results in a personalized way. With this tool, it is possible to know where the traffic comes from, which pages are accessed and many other relevant data to improve your business strategies.

Learning to explore the URL Builder is essential to get more results in the digital market! Parameters such as Google UTM (Urchin Tracking Module, or in Spanish, Urchin Tracking Module) are valuable for entrepreneurs, since they allow to obtain sensitive data about their businesses.

Still don’t know how it works? Do not despair! In this post, we’ll explain what it is and show you how to use the URL builder to crawl your pages.

What is URL Builder?

The first step to start exploring this tool is to understand how it works.

The URL Builder is a resource offered by Google, free of charge, so that entrepreneurs and site owners can analyze the data generated by a URL.

By using this tool, the entrepreneur is able to add custom parameters to their URLs and then start receiving comments with the numbers obtained, based on the previously established parameters.

The operation of the URL Builder depends on the linking of the website under analysis to oa ‘s data analysis platform.

The tools work in a complementary way. If the URL Builder allows you to get the data, Analytics allows you to study the results.

Once a URL address is personalized with the URL Builder, the data automatically begins to appear in Analytics, where it can be studied directly or even exported.

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After customization, you can better manage active campaigns. In this way, you can identify:

  • Which campaign is generating the most traffic?
  • What is the visitor’s dwell time within the landing page?
  • Did the visitor take any action?

And all this information can be easily obtained.

There are numerous examples of URL Builder, since this tool can be used for different purposes, such as measuring which campaign link is receiving the most clicks, knowing the best positioning for a (call to action), etc.

Throughout this post, we will address several practical examples of how to apply custom parameters.

Why use the URL Builder?

Just as important as understanding what Google’s URL Builder is all about is identifying the reasons why this tool should be used. With the URL Builder it is possible to implement various strategies that would otherwise be unfeasible.

Google Analytics tracking tools are useful, but cannot provide specific data. To avoid this limitation, the use of tools such as the URL Builder is the most appropriate.

From the personalization of an address with the URL Builder, it is much easier to access data with the medium used, the search engine and traffic source.

The parameters accepted by this tool are much more specific, managing to highlight details not captured by Google and Analytics.

Discover now the main reasons to apply the URL Builder in your digital business and see all the advantages of starting to use this tool.

Manage traffic sources

Traffic sources are channels that lead visitors to a certain site. Some examples are the such as Facebook and Instagram, video platforms such as YouTube and other blogs that share the custom link.

Having control over the sources of traffic and knowing exactly where the visitors are coming from is one of the advantages offered by the URL Builder.

Much of the traffic to most sites and blogs comes from organic search, such as Google search, but some is spread across multiple traffic sources.

Custom parameters, such as those obtained with the URL Builder, allow you to understand these traffic sources, identify which channels are attracting the most customers and know where to improve the performance of your brand.

If campaigns run within a certain traffic source, but don’t attract visitors, something is wrong. The custom URL allows the blog owner not only to assess this situation, but also to think of strategies to improve traffic from a certain source.

An example of using the URL Builder to identify the best traffic sources is Facebook groups. Even knowing what traffic comes from this social network, Analytics makes it impossible to know which of the groups, in particular, manage to attract more people.

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By using links with custom parameters for each of the groups, the data is retrieved separately. This way it is possible to know exactly which of the groups can send more visitors to your site or blog.

track campaigns

who invests in You should always be attentive to the results obtained. After all, campaigns can be heavy on the pocketbook. And without satisfactory results, they can end up giving losses to the entrepreneur.

But how to track the campaigns created?

This can be done with a trackable URL, that is, a virtual address that contains specific parameters that allow various sensitive information to be tracked.

A practical application of campaign tracking is Facebook. This social network offers great possibilities for the promotion of links with .

For best results, a great option is to create different campaigns pointing in the same direction. Using the URL Builder, you can add different addresses in each of these campaigns.

From this action it is easy to analyze within Analytics which of the campaigns is sending the most flow of visitors to the site, automatically. Campaigns with less engagement on the part of the audience, they must be stops, so that they do not give loss.

Optimize ad performance

The performance of banner ads can be optimized by using the URL Builder’s tracking parameters. It is possible to know which ads and banners are generating the best results, quite precisely.

In the A/B test, which consists of dividing the traffic into two groups, the original and a slightly different one, this tool can be fully exploited. In this test, each group of users is presented with a slightly different version of a page, to find out which format is the most interesting.

The same technique can be used to monitor the success of campaigns on various other channels, as is the case with . More than knowing the number of visits, it is possible to monitor even the number of conversions (actions carried out within the site).

Where to use a trackable URL?

The possibilities of using the trackable URL are practically endless. But before learning how to use URL Builder, it’s worth learning about some practical applications of this tool and seeing how it can help your digital business.

Marketing email campaign

When campaigns are created it is thought to attract the attention of the readers of the email list.

The content must be organized in such a way that most of the recipients not only see the information, but also take an initial action, which is to click on a link.

In this way, email marketing can work as an excellent source of traffic, captivating potential customers.

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But how do you know where to place the links within email marketing? Or to know which format is having more success?

The use of URL Builder allows you to identify various aspects of the email marketing campaign. The same link can be placed, for example, at the top and at the bottom of the email. To know what the performance of each of them is, it is enough to analyze the data obtained through the personalized parameters.

Furthermore, UTM Google can help marketers build truly efficient email marketing campaigns.

Sponsored links

Sponsored links are those that are published in advertising campaigns, usually on specific platforms, such as those made available by Facebook, YouTube and Google Adwords.

To track the results of these campaigns, one of the most effective ways is the trackable URL. This form of tracking lets you know which campaigns are attracting the most clicks. Thus, the administrator can continue only with the campaigns that present the best results.

campaign banners

If the blog or uses internal advertising, the URL Builder allows you to identify the best advertising spaces on the page.

With the data obtained, it is easy to know which ads receive the most clicks from visitors. This can also help identify the best performing ad format or style within your site or blog.

How to use the URL Generator?

Now, we are going to teach you the step by step to use the in order to get trackable addresses.

Taking into account all the advantages mentioned, as well as the wide variety of ways to use this resource, it is worth knowing how to handle it.

In total, there are six steps necessary to use the Google UTM. Fortunately, the process is simple and intuitive, and can be done without major difficulties.

Another important detail: the resource works best when done in a Chrome browser, as suggested by Google itself.

Next, see what fields must be filled:


In this field you must insert the original URL, which can be from a site or blog. This is the address without any change. You must choose which URL will receive the custom parameters.

2. Campaign Source

This field indicates the origin of the campaign and the…

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