Digital natives: who are they and how to work with this profile?

Has it ever occurred to you to analyze how much we are immersed in technological reality?

Over time, we have been adding novelties to our daily life, such as and the use of increasingly modern computer systems.

However, a new generation is already growing up immersed in this world dominated by technology, the so-called digital natives.

It is very likely that you already know someone who is part of this group, so thinking about the influence of digital natives, we created this post, in which we will talk about its general characteristics, about the challenges associated with it and also about the advantages of have digital natives in the corporate environment.

Are you curious? Stay with us!

Who are the digital natives?

The term digital native was first used in 2001 by Mark Prensky, professor and educator, who created it to designate the generation of people who have grown up in the digital age.

The so-called group is one that is accustomed and comfortable with technology, considering it a necessary part of their lives.

In general, today’s children, adolescents and young adults are considered digital natives, but this is not a fixed rule, since a series of sociocultural and economic factors are necessary for a person to be considered included in such an environment.

The opposite of this group is what we call digital immigrants, that is, those people who need to adapt to technologies.

How to work with digital natives?

Millennials are one of the main groups that make up digital natives. Therefore, they have some characteristics that differentiate them in the labor market from previous generations such as baby boomers.

has compiled various research on millennials. Among them is a PwC study where approximately 95% of millennials consider it important to maintain a balance between and personal life. That is, they not only want to live focused on their career but also have good personal experiences.

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This leads us to a relevant fact: the desire for professional satisfaction. It is interesting to observe the sense of commitment of this group, which wants to have an impactful action and is concerned with the company’s position on different causes, such as environmental and social ones.

Also according to a PwC study, it was found that 52% of the young people interviewed considered the progress of their career an important point to observe in the search for a vacancy, to the detriment, for example, of salary.

This generation feels a great concern for learning and more specifically with obtaining knowledge to be able to move up in the professional field, and quickly.

Another important aspect perceived by those who work with digital natives is that they need a flexible schedule, which has a direct impact on their productivity.

Giving them this freedom so that they can carry out their work without having the obligation to maintain rigid schedules makes them tend to offer more satisfactory results, also observing a greater permanence of these people within the organization.

business challenges

A business that wants to attract and retain the talent of this generation must be prepared to face challenges.

As we have already seen, more than offering a good salary, this generation is looking for one that invests in its brand not only for the external public but also for the internal one.

Another important issue is immediacy. The millennial generation wants everything to happen in an accelerated way, as if life were part of the virtual world and everything could change with a single click.

Therefore, companies and other generations must find a balance point to develop a healthy relationship that serves both parties, as there is always room for the development of each group, even if they differ in action.

4 actions that show how digital natives are a good audience at work

As we have already seen, the digital native sees the world differently, which implies a series of challenges for the market.

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But at the same time, the inclusion of this group in the enterprise is something that also provides a whole series of benefits, which we are going to see now:

1. Dynamic and innovative

The agility with which they communicate, as well as the fact that they use technology for everything and at all times, means that digital natives have two great differentials: dynamism in their day-to-day activities and innovation, so when it comes to to resolve issues have a quick mind.

In addition, they are and seek the development of innovative methodologies. This means that they are open to the creation of products and services, since they are exposed daily to technological innovations that require adaptation.

2. Communicative

Another amazing feature of the digital native is their ability to communicate. The individual who is part of this generation not only informs himself quickly, but also transmits what he receives at the same speed.

The presence of various technologies that allow fluidity of communication favors dialogue.

The communicative person also has other equally important characteristics, such as conviction and enthusiasm when transmitting information.

This facilitates exchanges inside and outside the corporate environment, which facilitates the flow of messages, as well as the propagation of good behavior.

3. Mentors and mentees

The culture of learning and transmission of knowledge is deeply rooted among digital natives.

As they experience and constantly need to adapt to the appearance of new technologies, they want to learn more and more. After all, one of the engines of this is the group’s fascination with challenges.

But they don’t just learn without more. Another important point of the characteristics of digital natives is their ability to teach and their willingness to do so, so it is not surprising that they assume positions of power and authority without fear.

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4. Hyperconnected

For digital natives, technology and the Internet are part of their own body. That is, they are inseparable from their day to day.

For this reason, this public can be considered hyperconnected, which is understood as beneficial for the company.

The fact that they are linked to technological developments at all times means that they constantly provide new data to the organization.

Thus, hyperconnectivity, associated with the ease of operation of different machines, becomes a competitive differential in the market, as well as allowing a richer exchange between the organization and its collaborators.

Digital natives and the future

Digital natives are used to agility in their day-to-day, whether it is when buying a product or service or in the production and delivery process. This is a crucial factor, which has already changed the shape of the market and has resulted in greater successes for companies.

The organization itself will have to absorb this need in order to apply it in its daily life.

Also, because this generation is more connected, attentive and concerned about collective needs (environmental, social, etc.), the market will have to find ways to adapt for this generation.

Digital natives are causing a rupture not only in the market, but in society in general. Thus, those who know how to manage their desires end up adapting better to the new reality and reaping the greatest benefits.

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