UX maturity of a company or organization – | Blog

In 2006, Jakob Nielsen developed one of the first models to assess the maturity of the User Experience (UX) within companies or organizations. In this first model, 8 levels were differentiated.

Since then, companies and their maturity in UX have changed and evolved considerably. With these changes in mind, they reviewed how organizations are assessed for UX maturity, generating a new model.

The UX Maturity Model

The UX maturity model provides a way or way to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each company related to the User Experience.

This assessment can be used to find out which of the 6 stages or levels the organization is currently in.

The 6 stages of UX maturity are:

  • 1. Absent: The UX is ignored or does not exist.
  • 2. Limited: UX work is rare, random, and unimportant.
  • 3. Popup: UX work is functional and promising, but it is done inconsistently and inefficiently.
  • 4. Structured: The organization has a semi-systematic methodology related to UX that is widespread, but with varying degrees of effectiveness and efficiency.
  • 5. Integrated: UX work is complete, effective and omnipresent.
  • 6. User Driven: Dedication to UX at all levels leads to deep insights and exceptional design results.

Factors to improve UX maturity in a company

To improve the maturity of UX in an organization requires growth and evolution through different factors and that affect:

  • The strategy: Leadership, planning and prioritization of UX resources.
  • The culture: UX knowledge and cultivation of UX careers and professional growth.
  • The process: The systematic use of design methods and .
  • The results: Define and measure the results produced by the UX work.
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None of these factors is independent; rather, they are mutually reinforcing and enabling. Knowledge of UX processes does not create a great UX team if the organization’s leadership does not prioritize UX work; Similarly, believing in the value of user experience only becomes feasible when there are methodologies to “practice what you preach”.

Organizations must progress on all of these dimensions to achieve high levels of UX maturity. and realize the full value of the .


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