Vanesa Romero’s full nude: too ‘hot’? How long can Instagram take?

famous for her role as Raquel Villanueva in (before she was Ana in Here there is no one alive (Atresmedia), turned 44 last week and celebrated a party in style at her home with her closest friends. For her followers in He posed with an almost complete nude that Instagram censored for considering it very hot After examining the photo we can ensure that it was not taken in the middle of the party in front of his guests.

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The image, to which Informalia has had access, shows Vanesa Romero kneeling on a sofa and posing sideways, hiding her chest behind her arms while a bathrobe covers the area of ​​her legs. A very sexy photo. Her congratulations on her birthday and the comments on the photo in particular were immediate. But she didn’t have time to read them. Instagram had removed the photo as it was considered to have a high erotic content. So she had to take another similar photo but showing less and publish it again to celebrate the newly released 44 with her followers.

On the same June 4, the woman from Alicante met her boyfriend, Emilio Esteban, and a group of friends in her large house in Boadilla del Monte (Madrid), where a surprise awaited her. Her boyfriend and some of her friends had filled the house with balloons, in the pool area, they also ordered a catering and even made an impromptu photocall with the lights of her cell phones. Vanessa couldn’t be happier.

Among the guests were some familiar faces such as Frank Blanco and his wife, Sira Fernández; the presenter Isabel Jiménez and her husband, Alejandro Cruz, and one of the teachers that Vanesa had in Masterchef, Gabriela Alejandra Tassile, who also cooked for them.

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This has been a great gift for the actress who is going through some sad moments after losing, after fifteen years, her cat Uma. The actress is a great lover of animals and is fatally affected by the loss of someone who for her is one more of her family, as she has explained.

One of her consolations is her boy, Emilio. Happiness invades them after overcoming a deep crisis a little over a year ago that led them to separate for a while. But later they reconciled and are inseparable again. They are fifteen years apart, she has just turned 44 and he is 28, but that is not an impediment. So much so that from practically the beginning of their relationship, Emilio settled in the house that the actress acquired as soon as the pandemic ended and that is valued at more than 800,000 euros. It is a villa located in the Madrid municipality of Boadilla del Monte, the third in Spain with the highest per capita income in Spain. He enjoys three floors, a private pool, a very spacious living room with a large open kitchen and in the lower part he has set up a recording studio, since he is a musician. It is there where they work hand in hand, Vanesa composes and Emilio makes the music. “We have made songs for a lot of people like Andrés Suárez, Blas Cantó, Ruth Lorenzo… A new door has opened and I am enjoying it a lot,” the actress recently confessed.

In addition, Vanesa has just released a short film, written and directed by her, and she already has in her hands the scripts for a series and a movie that she is also outlining.

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