How much does a funeral cost? And a cremation? These are the cheapest cities to die for

With an eye on All Saints’ Day, I especially remember all those people who have perished, the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU). Analyzing up to thirty large Spanish cities, the institution concludes that “dying is expensive” although there are great differences depending on the location.

On average, in Spain, a burial costs 3,739 euros while a cremation costs 3,617 euros. More or less the same price, considering that the service is discreet in both cases without great luxuries to say goodbye to that loved one. The OCU reaches this conclusion after visiting 113 funeral homes where it has made it a condition to seek a decent burial and in the city cemetery with a niche rental of at least 5 years.

A high cost that joins the already painful loss of death. In addition, breaking down this amount, the institution shows how the coffin, chest or coffin is the most expensive with an average of 1,200 euros.

For its part, the cemetery services (burial and rental fees) add another 650 euros, similar to the amount that must be paid to the funeral home (546 euros), while the other expenses (flowers, car, preparation of the body… .) finish specifying the important amount.

Vigo is at the head of the most expensive services

However, going into what each city refers to, since there are great differences according to the province, the OCU certifies that Vigo is the most expensive place to die. Exceeding 5,000 euros (it reaches, on average, 6,165 euros for burial and 5,760 euros for cremation), this amount is also exceeded in Alicante (5,455 and 5,533 euros, respectively), Santander (5,205 and 5,081 euros) and Madrid (5,196 and 3,565 euros).

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Zaragoza and Albacete, the cheapest cities

In contrast, Zaragoza is the cheapest city for funeral services with burial costing an average of 2,539 euros and cremation costing a little more, 2,872 euros. A second way to say goodbye to a loved one that is somewhat cheaper in Albacete (2,694 euros), Logroño (2,856 euros) and Malaga (2,860 euros), although the average with their funerals (2,780, 2,825 and 2,969 euros, respectively) exceeds to the Aragonese capital.

The cheapest funeral home in all of Spain is in Malaga, while the most expensive is in Madrid

Finally, the OCU highlights of the 113 funeral homes visited — Parcemasa (Málaga), Serfunova (Zaragoza) and Funeral Home Murcia Centro (Murcia) as the cheapest in terms of a burial. For its part, the cheapest cremations in Spain are also found in Parcemasa (Málaga), as well as in La Patria (Albacete) and Funeraria Municipal (Palma de Mallorca).

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