These are the healthiest cookies in the supermarket, according to the OCU (they are private label)

New analysis in view of the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU). On this occasion about , such as children’s cookies and the sugar they contain, the institution has only been able to obtain an ‘A’ rating on the Nutriscore scale. A ranking that is awarded to the best article in question that, in this case, has turned out to be a white label.

Of a total of 305 different cookies analyzed, the OCU has concluded that eight out of ten are not healthy. With or without chocolate, in a more attractive way for children or another or with a special ingredient such as milk, the general suspense about this product is as high as the infinity of varieties that are presented on the market.

However, it is in this criticism where the institution has been able to draw a positive aspect. And it is that a single brand of cookies has managed to achieve an excellent rating for everything that it entails in its ingredients or nutritional contribution. In addition, another 14 cookies have achieved the ‘B’ ranking, which also calls into question their good work with this product, almost always aimed at children.

At breakfast or snack, mainly, the big drawback of the cookies comes from the sugar. A component against which the Ministry of Consumption has opened harsh criticism in its campaigns (), which leave the cold fact that in cookies, one in three grams correspond to sugar.

Carrefour has the healthiest cookies

But going back to the positive aspect, the Classic Maria 0% salt-added sugar cookies are the most recognized. An imitation of the historic Maria cookies that arrive without the use of palm oil and with the mere presence of sweeteners.

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Among its ingredients, wheat flour, vegetable fiber and high oleic sunflower oil stand out, among other components. In addition, it may contain traces of milk and its nutritional value includes 408 kilocalories per 100 grams, as well as only 1.5 grams of fat and 2.8 grams of sugar.

Beyond these white label cookies, the OCU recognizes almost a fortnight that get a ‘B’ rating and therefore, seeing the general average, they are also an acceptable purchase for the snack of the smallest of the house. These are:

– Artiach Chiquilin 0% added sugars.

– Artiach Dinosaurus to spoonfuls cookienns cereals.

– Artiach Dinosaurus cookienns.

– Cuétara toast Tosta Rica cookienns.

– Gullón zero Baked giltheads.

– Gullón zero toast.

– Artiach Marbú Dorada 0% added sugars.

– Carrefour Classic Black %Roll 0% added sugar.

– Auchan Biscuit Maria without sugars.

– Auchan toasted biscuits.

– Toasted Biscuit Day.

– Gullón zero Maria.

– Hacendado Minis 0% added sugars.

– Sondey toast.

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