Virtual classroom: how does this teaching environment work?

Virtual and distance education is today, in times of pandemic, a reality. Who has not ever heard the concept of “new normal”?

Surely you have already realized that COVID-19 marked a before and after, and mandatory social distancing, among many other things, caused teaching processes to be modified in much of the world: virtual classes are here to stay.

The new learning environments that emerged years ago have been updated to adapt to this new normality, bringing opportunities not only for those who want to study, but also for those who want to undertake and achieve better results.

The great highlight of the educational market is, without a doubt, the virtual classroom.

The EaD model () has grown and continues to develop in all areas, both in higher level courses and technical, professional and free courses.

If you want to know more, read this post until the end to fully understand how the what are its tools and what is the potential of this market so in vogue in recent times.

There is confusion between the terms Virtual Classroom and Virtual Classes, since they are two very similar concepts, so we will briefly explain what each one consists of.

What are virtual classes?

Within E-learning, virtual classes imply a teaching modality that takes place totally or partially in a virtual environment, which may be live, or through videos, electronic books and other digital materials.

There are currently two types:

Synchronous virtual classes

In which the teacher and the registered students participate online and simultaneously, in a similar way to what happens in a web seminar, where they interact through a chat, by video or audio.

Synchronous learning environments allow students to follow the class in real time but without the need to physically go to the center where they are taught.

Asynchronous virtual classes

These types of classes are not in real time. Students are provided with content and assignments and given a deadline to complete the work. The interaction usually takes place through discussion forums, blogs and wikis.

Asynchronous learning environments are effective for those who have time or schedule limitations, because they allow them to organize themselves and choose their moments of study, although they also require a high level of commitment and responsibility.

In this mode, the teacher Record lectures so students can watch them through a .

It is precisely these platforms that offer support for various content formats, forming a simple and intuitive that facilitates communication.

In short, virtual classes, synchronous or asynchronous, need a digital environment to be carried out, and this is what we call Virtual Classroom.

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How do virtual classrooms work?

The It is known for its practicality, agility, amount of content that can be learned, quality of the courses, and for the normalization and expansion that has occurred since the pandemic.

It has been refined over the years, and provides an environment conducive to online learning. Virtual classrooms comprise a space focused on results, with specific tools that help students absorb knowledge and also offer resources for teachers to develop their classes in the best possible way.

The virtual classroom has points in common with conventional physical classrooms, since it works as a place to interact and exchange knowledge.

However, the difference is that in the virtual environment, students and teachers can count on powerful tools that do not exist in physical spaces.

By connecting to the Internet, for example, students can:

  • Access your favorite topics;
  • Share and solve your doubts with professors and other colleagues as quickly as they arise;
  • Make comments and suggestions;
  • Take exams and quizzes more often;
  • Have access to previously studied content to review learning;
  • And much more.

Now we are going to show you some tools designed exclusively for this teaching and learning process, and how they can help you grow in that market.

1. Discussion Forum

One of the most important tools in any virtual classroom is the . Mainly when we are dealing with free courses, such as training, orientation and coaching, to maintain interaction with the participants, which is essential in this environment.

Its main mission is to allow the exchange of knowledge.

More than a simple channel to solve doubts, the forum aims to simulate as much as possible the environment of a physical classroom, in which people are always in contact, students chat with each other and ask questions of teachers.

As this face-to-face interaction does not take place in the virtual environment, the discussion forum is the tool responsible for making the people of a certain online course communicate more.

2. Mind map

The mental map, a diagram model developed by the Englishman Tony Buzan, is a tool for knowledge management.

When applied within a virtual learning environment, the mind map allows students to understand the next steps to take, what are the objectives of what is being taught and what strategies must be taken to achieve those objectives.

The diagram works to place the student where they are and make it clear where they want to be, whether it is in a week, a month or a year.

In processes such as Mind mapping is often applied to make people clear on what their true goals are.

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This tool helps students in the virtual classroom to concentrate better, memorize and learn, since they will know what the objectives are to achieve in the online course they have chosen.

3. Video classes

One of the tools that cannot be missing in a virtual room are the . Are, as the name suggests, contents recorded in video format, allowing them to be permanently available to students, who can access them wherever and whenever they want.

This represents a huge gain in time and process optimization. Not to mention the ability to review content, refine videos, and create ever better materials.

4. Calendar

One of the most basic tools of a virtual classroom is the calendar, because it allows the virtual classroom participants to know their commitments and prepare for each of them in advance.

In the academic environment – ​​and in mentoring, coaching and other processes – the calendar is recognized as an excellent time optimization tool.

For results to be achieved, it is essential that people are aware of their commitments, deadlines and tasks.

5. Infographics

Unlike the calendar, the has its focus on the visual, the aesthetic impact and the transmission of information through colors and images.

Many complex pieces of information can be easily conveyed when presented in an infographic format.

Actually, this content format can be understood as a model similar to graphics, with the difference that it is much more didactic and easy to absorb.

Within the virtual classroom, participants can access several content-rich infographics.


The They function as complete, stand-alone book materials or in conjunction with the video classes.

The human brain learns through repetition. Listening to certain information only once may not be enough for the fixation of knowledge. That is why texts and written materials collaborate for learning in the virtual classroom.

Ebooks are perfect for this purpose, because they deliver valuable content in text format.

They have clear language, are well outlined and reinforce the content taught, which can be read again whenever necessary.

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7. Supplementary Materials

The materials and tools mentioned are only examples. They are all excellent for the learning process within the virtual classroom.

But, of course, other complementary materials may be available in a virtual environment, such as talks, links, tools for time management and evaluation systems, feedback, and many others.

The greater the number of supplemental materials, the better the student experience.

Teachers must leave the learning environment rich in relevant information. Summaries, scripts and custom tools are always welcome in the virtual classroom.

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Advantages and disadvantages of the virtual classroom

In addition to the tools that we present, the virtual classroom offers several advantages for those involved in the process, students and teachers. But since all that glitters is not gold, we must also draw attention to some points to take into account so that the distance education model is a success.

We start with the good: 5 main attractions for you to understand why it is interesting to work in a virtual classroom:

1. You have access to content where and when you want it

Thanks to the Internet, unlimited and uninterrupted access to information available in the world has been democratized, and with the virtual classrooms, students can consume the best information related to the course they are studying whenever and wherever they want.

This represents enormous flexibility, as well as incredible time savings: you access when it suits you best and without having to go to any physical study center.

In addition, teachers also earn, being able to publish the contents at the best times of the day, without compromising your work schedule.

When students use the forum, for example, the teacher has the possibility to offer answers at their own pace. Another advantage for teachers is that they can choose the days and more suitable times to record and edit their classes based on the commitments they have during the week.

2. You interact with people from anywhere in the world

There are no barriers or geographical factors that limit, as is the case in the traditional classroom setting. With the arrival of online classes, the borders have been diluted, and everyone can participate and interact, learning together.

For students, this represents a very large competitive advantage. The exchange of ideas, thoughts and knowledge is fantastic. This is where tools like the discussion forum gain traction.

3. If you are a teacher, you reach more students

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Interaction with people from anywhere on the planet is an advantage for teachers when we think about the greater reach of students, which…

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