Website name in google


You may be interested in these videos and help articles that we made about Joomla! and SEO:

This last link focuses more on the online store but there are also some general explanations for all types of web presence.
You have to take into account that in order for your website to position itself correctly in search engines, you have to carry out the following steps:

1. Enter a description and suitable keywords in your Joomla, both in the general configuration and in the articles that you want to refine your positioning.
2. Activate Joomla SEO so that your url’s are friendly. This video will help you:
3. Use a tool such as Xmap that will create a sitemap and a sitemap for Google that you will have to register in the google webmaster tools.
4. Modify the titles of your menus and articles so that they contain the keywords that interest you, use the alias to define url’s with your most important keywords.
5. Get links from high page-ranking websites to your site.
6. Modify the contents of your website so that they contain the keywords that interest you.

Carrying out these steps will considerably increase your positioning in Google and other search engines.


This post has been modified on 2 years ago by


Answered : 06/08/2013 12:36 pm

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