What are the best infoproduct launch strategies?

If you are an entrepreneur or want to create your own business, surely you already know that having a perfect product is useless if you do not use the correct launch strategies to spread it. Therefore, we are going to talk about how to plan them.

Not only to make more sales, but also to captivate your audience.

The idea is that you nurture a relationship with your audience before launch and that your potential customers are interested in your product even before they can buy it.

But, how to get the attention of your audience and get incredible numbers the same day the sales start?

To help you with this task, we share 18 infoproduct launch strategies, whatever the size of your business. The good news is that you can do it for little!

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Stage 1: Research your market

Every day, thousands of Producers launch a product on the market. In this context, it is increasingly difficult to create something never seen before.

But have you ever stopped to think that the entrepreneurial spirit goes far beyond having an original idea?

Entrepreneurship is more related to finding opportunities and implementing solutions that solve people’s daily problems.

For this reason, the entrepreneur who identifies latent demands and demonstrates how his product can solve them comes out ahead.

For example: there are thousands of people who know how to make sweets, but who do not communicate well with their public and, therefore, do not attract buyers. But if you find one and create well-targeted strategies, you can be much more successful. One idea would be to create an online culinary course focused on healthy sweets for children.

With this segment, you avoid a good part of the competitors, while focusing on a demand that already exists.

And what is the best way to identify such opportunities?

The answer is simple: !

Strategy 1: Research your niche

After you have decided what you are going to invest in, it is necessary to investigate it to identify the gaps in which you can act. Think of the times you researched a topic on the Internet and got incomplete, inaccurate, or no information at all.

If you want to know how to launch a product, the first thing you need to understand is what is its supply and demand. For that, you can use several tools on the Internet:

1.1. Google

There are several tools available on Google to research the supply and demand for your product. The main one is , which analyzes the volume of searches for a given term both nationally and internationally.

The tool also allows you to compare two keywords and discover which one has the most searches, for example: Italian cuisine and Japanese cuisine.

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If you want an even more precise result, you can follow the evolution of searches for these terms in recent months. This functionality helps identify if search volume is a passing trend.

Another tool that offers very approximate data on search volume is Google Adwords. To use it, it is enough to have an account in Adwords.

With this tool you can see the number of searches made for that term, in addition to evaluating whether the competition for ads is high; both are good insights to better understand your market.

The Keyword Planner also offers a list of terms similar to yours, and their respective search volumes. This is a good way to find specific words, from generic terms and, consequently, be more assertive in your offer.

1.2. SEMRush

It shows the websites that are appearing in the first search results for a given term, both in organic and paid traffic. Some information given by the platform, such as average cost per click and competition, is excellent for optimizing your sponsored link launch strategy.

1.3. ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is a tool that suggests specific keywords, related to the word you researched. The list is based on real queries that users make on Google, which is a great thermometer to know what type of content your potential consumer is looking for.

1.4. Google search bar

Have you noticed that when we enter a term in the Google search bar, the auto complete suggests searches that are related to the word we are looking for? For the technique to work, it is important to clear your browser’s cache or use the anonymous tab. Otherwise, Google will use the search standard that is stored on your computer.

Strategy 2: Understand who your buyer persona is

Imagine you have an advanced watercolor product. Who do you think would be interested in buying it: the user who has never researched art or the one who buys painting supplies, such as paint and brushes?

We are sure you saw more potential in the second option!

Knowing who has already purchased or tracked your product category is essential to creating targeted content and optimizing your results. To understand what the wishes are and, many companies create the figure of the buyer persona.

Avatars are semi-fictional characters created from surveys with real people. They represent your real buyer and help you make marketing decisions.

But what exactly should I investigate?

In addition to demographic information, such as age, gender and location, focus on knowing your buyer’s interests, their pain points, what motivates them to buy and the channels in which they seek information.

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These responses will be useful when creating content, publicizing a product launch, targeting ads and, above all, reducing your operating costs, since you will not spend time or effort with people who have not shown interest in your offer.

Thus, even if you have a small budget, you increase your chances of conversion, since you start to “reach” a smaller but more qualified audience.

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Strategy 3: Conduct a SWOT Analysis

The analysis consists of making a list of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of your business. In this way, you can visualize the skills you already have and those you need to develop if you want to gain a competitive advantage in your market.

Here’s how to do the SWOT analysis.

  • Create a table with four fields.
  • On the left side, list your strengths and weaknesses.
  • On the right side, list your company’s threats and opportunities, also understood as external factors.
  • Link the two columns to determine: strengths that can enhance opportunities; strengths that can combat threats; weak points that can harm opportunities; and weak points that can increase threats.

At the end of this analysis, you will have enough information to develop an action plan for a product launch.

Strategy 4: Benchmark

After you’ve identified your strengths and weaknesses, it’s important to understand how your business compares to competitors, a process known as benchmarking.

If we were to literally translate the term benchmarking, it would be something like “reference point”, and basically consists of comparing products, services and management practices of companies in your same segment.

By evaluating your competitor’s pages, you can discover, for example: which language works best for your audience, what type of content is more suitable for social networks, what they haven’t said about it yet, and other information that can help in your own launch. of product.

Thanks to the Internet it is easier to gather information about your competitors. A quick search on Google is enough to find everything about the product / service that other companies offer.

A suggestion to optimize your time is to collect only the data that will be relevant to your business, and it is precisely there that many entrepreneurs get confused. Benchmarking doesn’t mean asking a few questions, it means asking the right questions. For that, the figure of the avatar helps a lot. If your consumer isn’t “on” LinkedIn, there’s not much point in evaluating what your competitor posts on that network, right?

But don’t worry, there are specific tools for. If you want to get the customer’s perspective, you can also sign up for the newsletter or make a purchase on the competitor’s website. Remember to use the information obtained to promote a more complete experience for your user.

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Stage 2: Validate your idea

Have you ever in your life already had an idea that seemed perfect in your head, but when you told someone else about it, you realized that it was not applicable? That also happens in the business world.

Before you start worrying about launching a product and spending money on advertising, you need to really do it.

Strategy 5: Find out if your product solves a problem

People buy for many reasons, including solving a problem. When someone searches for the type of product that you sell, it means that this person already knows that they have a problem, therefore, they are further along in the buyer’s journey.

On the other hand, there are cases of users who have not yet identified that they have a problem and who need to be educated about your product, which requires more investment in content and marketing.

If your product doesn’t solve the problem for those users, or if the demand is non-existent, it may be time to rethink your business model.

Strategy 6: Find out if you can execute your idea better than your competitor

Creating a product based on photography is not new, but depending on the segment you are in, it is possible to offer much more value to your consumer than the competition.

For that, it is important to focus on issues neglected by the market.

What photography topics are people still not talking about? How can you talk about the same thing, but from another perspective?

Use your creativity!

Strategy 7: Find out if your idea is easy to understand

Nobody will buy your product if you do not make it very clear what you are dealing with, what the format is and, mainly, the benefit it provides. People aren’t looking for courses on the polarity of economic systems in the 20th century, but they may be interested in classes on the free market and socialism, for example.

Strategy 8: Create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

The , as its name already says, is a prototype of your product, with the minimum resources it needs to work. This digital product launch strategy is used to test and see if your business idea solves the problem of your audience, before launching a product. The beta versions of applications are examples of MVP.

There are several ways to validate your MVP, such as opinion polls, A/B tests and…

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