The Power of Habits: [Reseña + consejos] useful for you

The Power of Habits is a book written by Charles Duhigg, an investigative reporter for the New York Times, where he seeks to answer, But why do we have habits?

Throughout our lives, we all develop daily habits. Things like brushing your teeth, taking a shower, checking your phone messages when you wake up, and going to work are habits that go unnoticed and are done automatically.

It has been more than two decades of research trying to understand how habits work and how they shape every aspect of our lives, whether personal or professional. And most importantly: teach how habits can be changed.

Take a look at the full book review of The Power of Habits and find out if it’s worth reading. See also the author’s best tips for starting to exercise, lose weight, increase productivity and be a !

Individuals and their habits

The first part of the book, based on scientific experiments and case studies, looks at people’s behavior to understand what habit is and how it works. Duhigg names his theory of habit as the three-step loop (Signal + Routine + Reward).

It all starts with the Cue, which is the stimulus that makes the brain go into automatic mode, and indicates the habit that should always be used (for example, brushing your teeth).

Which leads to the Routine, which is the way we perform the Sign, physically, mentally, or emotionally.

We do all this in search of the Reward, which helps the brain know whether or not it is worth saving this loop for the future.

“Without habit loops, our brains would collapse, overwhelmed by the minutiae of everyday life.”

According to the author, these habits arise because our brain is constantly looking for ways to save effort. Therefore, once learned, habits never go away, but can be ignored, altered, or replaced.

So how do you create new habits?

The Power of Habit looks at behaviors identified in various studies, especially in the brains of alcoholics, smokers, and people with binge eating.

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Strong habits, like checking social media at work, generate addiction-like reactions, thus becoming “craving.” Something that seems innocent can be a great villain in our routine and kill productivity.

These cravings are automated, even in extreme situations that may require changes, such as loss of reputation or job, for example. But all is not lost: these cravings do not have full control over us.

So how do you change harmful habits and create new ones?

The power of willpower

Changing a habit also requires training our willpower, which is the most important thing for a person’s success. It’s like training the muscles of your arms and legs: it requires a lot of determination and self-knowledge, until it becomes a routine process.

The first step, according to the book, is to recognize what craving is triggering the behavior. Thus it is possible to create a new habit that will become as automatic as the previous one.

“We know that a habit cannot be eradicated, but must be replaced.”

Furthermore, The Power of Habits teaches that change comes through many factors, such as faith. And in most cases, it is only possible to change a habit and have faith with an alternative routine and the help of a group (affirming that people who have the same desires as you will be the best support).

That is, you have to recognize the routine, which is the habit itself, and identify what reward your brain is looking for. For example, a person who wants to exercise should set a signal (put on sneakers and appropriate clothing). Then you will realize that the brain craves a sense of accomplishment.

Then that signal will trigger a routine and make you happier for the reward. Over time, this will become a habit.

Successful businesses and habits

The second part of the book addresses the habits of successful organizations. The biggest success story is Starbucks, which has (and continues to) transform its employees using training programs.

The great example of The Power of Habits is Travis, a 25-year-old man, manager of two Starbucks that generate more than 2 million dollars in revenue. Before Travis was prone to emotional outbursts and lasted only a short time in his work.

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What changed when you entered Starbucks? His routine.

When Travis joined the company, he started an educational program that supports employees from day one.

This program was created to empower employees to use their willpower in difficult times, such as serving a nervous customer. Various scenarios are presented so that workers can automatically resolve any incident.

And it worked! Starbucks has been able to reduce employee turnover, increase customer satisfaction, and grow exponentially.

This is perhaps one of the main teachings of the book: if the company cares about its employees, the staff will increase.

What happens to organizations that refuse to change?

On the other hand, The Power of Habits also shows the example of an organization that refused to change, while maintaining behaviors that were unfavorable and detrimental to the business. The result was loss of credibility in the market.

The case presented was that of the Rhode Island Hospital, recognized as one of the most advanced medical institutions in the United States and also known for enmities between doctors and nurses.

In addition, the institution often made serious mistakes, keeping professionals who did not care to change or admit their mistakes. This is just one story among others showing companies that were practically bottoming out.

These companies realized that it was not enough to just change a person’s habit. A change in mentality was necessary as a whole, to improve processes and offer better results, as well as a healthier work environment.

“Creating a successful organization is not just a matter of balancing authority. For the organization to work, leaders must cultivate habits that create real and balanced peace, while making it absolutely clear who is in charge.”

habits vs. Society

The third part of the book explores social habits, showing how everyday habits interfere with our behavior in society.

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To illustrate how powerful habits are in society, the book presents the story of Rosa Parks, the black woman who is a symbol of the fight against racial segregation in the United States.

A simple gesture (refusing to give up his seat on the bus) ended in a wave of protests and boycotts, until the Civil Rights Law came into the country.

Parks wasn’t the first person to challenge the system at the time, but The Power of Habit shows that unplanned behavior often becomes the trigger for major changes in society.

This takes up the importance of the Group. People wanted to join a group that was fighting for civil rights, and Parks’ action had a great impact in uniting these people.

“The movement had started among Parks’s close friends, but it gained momentum, as (Martin Luther) King and other participants later said, because of a sense of obligation within the community: the social habits of weak ties.”

Is it worth reading The Power of Habits?

The Power of Habit looks at various studies to understand how habit formation works. It is certainly worth reading, mainly because it explains, on a scientific basis, how behavior change works.

It is a book that impresses by presenting how the human brain works and how susceptible it is to anything. Bad habits do not appear overnight, but rather are the result of ingrained routines in our lives.

But beyond the scientific explanation behind the formation of habits, it is a reading with a practical part that shows the process to change a habit. After The Power of Habits, changing your routine will be easier!

Did you like the tips in the book? So enjoy and, especially those who want to undertake and achieve success!

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