Changes: a story from a photographic perspective

Perspective and color have always been related in the world of painting and art, their close relationship means that we can enjoy in the dimensions, and that we can observe the art with depth and volume. This time, changes will present us with an incredible story.

Based on real experiences: photography will be the central theme that we will address and who better than an artist could explain the connection between changes, perspective, art and your personal history?

Join us to relive the story of Fernando!

A story with vision and photographic perspective

The story of Fernando, a Spanish visionary of photography, begins at the beginning of this new century and is a fusion of all these components.

As a photographer, Fernando has the opportunity to see things from a different perspective, with a wide palette of and with a distinctive art for business.

As a photographer, I have the ability to see beyond things. Whether in the art of photography or in my business. – Fernando Ortega

In the year 2000, Fernando was already a visionary, when many people were not yet connected to the Internet, or were unaware and doubtful of the benefits that it could bring them, he decided to create an online community for nature-loving photographers.

People with a vision similar to his, who, uniting technology and art, would later become the promoters of a new generation of photographers.

This meant the first technological revolution that Fernando would experience, and the best part of this was that he would be one of the protagonists.

The space he had created brought together people who connected from different parts of the world, exchanged ideas, experiences, techniques, customs and culture, but all of them responded to the same essence. They were united by the same passion.

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Teaching is also an art

In addition to the great love for art that Fernando professed, he was also a person who liked to pass on everything he learned, so in addition to being an artist he became a teacher.

However, Ferdinand was a special and very detailed, since he traveled throughout Spain every weekend in order to be able to transmit his knowledge and learn more about what he was passionate about.

His careful teaching work led him to give the best of himself in each class, the attention he sought to give his students was personalized, based on trust, understanding and the experiences that each of them could contribute, so that this become richer and more nutritious.

The world takes on other colors when you share what you know. – Fernando Ortega

After a while, Fernando realized that the number of students had increased significantly, and it was practically impossible to be everywhere and meet all his students.

Even with limited classes, Fernando was definitely not able to attend to all of his students as he wanted, with that degree of detail and high quality that he was used to.

‘s change of perspective

Having identified the problem, Fernando began looking for solutions and suddenly he had the great idea of ​​replicating the same methodology that some time ago had meant a revolution for many photographers.

The online formula could also be applied to teaching, after all, the passion for photography remained the same.

In 2014, Fernando decided to take his courses to the leaving aside the face-to-face courses, which meant a great change, both for him and for his students.

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This was a great challenge for many, as they had to adapt their to the online world, the classes were different from what was already known. The methodology was innovative, the quality was excellent and the support was constant and the same as always.

From that moment, Fernando was able to share everything he knew on a larger scale and continue to support more people who are passionate about photography, meanwhile, more people could find Fernando, and take advantage of all the knowledge he had to offer.

Fernando’s change began when he decided to do more for his community.

And not only this, but they could also discover more people with the same interests, which in turn also encouraged the exchange of ideas and information.

with the new and the technology they provided, Fernando was able to better understand the needs of his students, their more specific interests and understand what the expectations of each of them were in relation to their .

This helped him get to know his students better and perfect the teaching methodology of each of his courses, serving a greater number of people with his knowledge in a more personalized way.

Today, Fernando sees the world through his eyes and those of his students, because technology and the online world allow him to be empathic with each one of them and to know what exactly motivates their passion from different perspectives.

Would you like to discover more adventures like Fernando’s and change your perspective?

Do like Fernando and share everything you know.

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