What is a podcast and how to make one to sell more

A podcast is a type of audio content, such as a recorded radio program, that is available on the Internet for listening on demand. For any business or enterprise, this can be a new communication channel and, above all, effective for getting more sales! I found out how to make a podcast here.

Have you stopped to think how quickly we change the way we consume content? Given the appearance of new formats and platforms, we are updating the way in which, for example, we search for information.

This situation constantly challenges us to look for new and better ways to get in touch with our public. Therefore, today we are going to discover how to make a podcast.

The whirlwind of routine and day-to-day activities sometimes make it more difficult to find time to watch a movie or follow a series. Podcasts open up new opportunities: you can listen to them while you’re cooking, exercising, or driving.

This caused the podcast to become a good idea for brands to impact their customers through useful and relevant content. This greatly increases the chances of having a lasting bond with your audience.

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This is a format that is having a lot of effectiveness and arrival. Even so, there are not so many brands that are taking advantage of these channels to expand their customer base, increase their sales and get more people to know them.

So, do you know what podcasts are? Had you considered it as a possibility to attract more visits to your website? Let’s see it!

Podcast: what is it

A podcast is sound content that is broadcast over the internet through audio-on-demand platforms.

For content creators, one of its attractions is that it does not require significant technical equipment, and this makes it an interesting idea for .

The word “podcast” comes from the combination of two others. On the one hand, “iPod”, Apple’s portable device. On the other hand, “broadcast”, which refers to the transmission of audio content through radio waves.

In general, they occur to have several episodes, although these may or may not be correlated. In other words, topics can be raised and the discussion of some can evolve, or each program is independent, timeless and does not have a specific order.

There are several platforms to upload these files and receive visits. The best known is Spotify and, for this reason, later we will tell you specifically how to upload a podcast there. Other well-known sites are Deezer, Apple Podcasts or Soundcloud.

It’s also important to think about how often you’re going to post your podcast content. This will depend on the meaning you find in it according to the topic you are dealing with and your availability of time.

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Know more:


How to make a podcast

We are going to tell you how to create a podcast in eight steps: from planning to publishing the content.

1. Define the theme, frequency and format

Choosing a topic relevant to your audience is the key to getting your business’s attention.

For this, it is necessary that you select issues in which you are an expert or have experience. Another good idea is to work with specialist guests at some point. Thus, your podcast will talk about various topics and always provide quality information.

For example, if you have a clothing brand, you can talk about the history of your business, topics of interest in the sector, or even join important debates such as the one about and what this term implies.

🚀 Bonus tip! Do not limit your content to the specific field to which you dedicate yourself. If you were wondering what a podcast is for, it allows you to open the game and talk about more comprehensive topics such as the day to day of an entrepreneur, tastes or interests relevant to your audience.

The next point is to understand how often you are going to publish your content. The weekly, fortnightly or monthly frequency will depend on two factors. In principle, your availability to do it and sustain it over time. In addition, it is important to measure the arrival that is having in your community.

It would not make sense that people do not get to listen to the episodes and new content is already being published. We recommend that you measure the effort that you are going to allocate to the production of the podcast so that it is not “neither more nor less” than what your audience consumes.

Finally, you have to consider the format. Will there always be guests? Will there be special programs and/or sections? How long will the episodes be?

It should be clarified that you can define all these points at the beginning and then adjust each parameter according to how you see the proposal working.

2. Include your audience in the creation process

This is a very interesting point that can bring you a very good initial push. Through your social networks, create surveys to find out which topics are the most attractive to your community.

You can start this mapping from the beginning and also keep it over time to continue planning the episodes.

Raising this conversation with your followers will give you information about their consumption. Their reaction will also allow you to understand if they know what a podcast is, if they usually listen to this content, etc.

You can also open the possibility for them to ask questions on the networks and then invite them to listen to the next episode where they will be answered. As you can see, the options are many!

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3. Create the script for each episode

With the main theme defined and a list of initial themes, it’s time to start thinking about the production of each episode. All content must have a script that specifies:

  • the overall theme
  • the specific points to be treated
  • an approximate time to dedicate to each matter

🎧 Pro Tip: Define an opening and closing pattern for your programs. These clips can be 5 or 10 seconds, they should be linked to your brand, introduce the program, welcome and goodbye until next time.

You can build a model, as a template, to complete the planning of each episode.

4. Invite experts and influencers

This is a central point if we are thinking about how to make a podcast.

In addition to addressing the issues that are relevant to your audience and making your brand a benchmark, our advice is to have the participation of influencers in the area or experts in the matter at hand.

We bring you 4 steps to do influencer marketing:


If you work in the field of decoration, you can get in touch with interior designers, even with other brands in the field, such as manufacturers of marble countertops.

5. Record the podcast

Many people, when wondering how to create a podcast, immediately think of the technical equipment that is needed. Good news! You don’t need a full recording studio to do this.

It will be best, of course, to record the episodes in a quiet environment. This way you will avoid noise and guarantee a better audio quality. For the rest, you can do the first tests by recording with your phone or a microphone, even if it is not professional.

Over time, if you can buy a good microphone so that the audio quality is higher, so much the better!

When you start recording, pay attention to the clarity in your voice. You don’t need to write a script to read the whole program, in fact, this will make your diction less natural. Yes, it is important that you modulate well when speaking so that the listener understands each word.

6. Edit the material

Once you have recorded your podcast, you will need to edit the material. Either to cut out bumps at the beginning and end, fragments that are not relevant to you, or to add sound effects or music.

To edit your material we recommend working with the tool that is free and can be easily downloaded. There are also other podcast apps like or .

When you finish editing, we suggest you export the audio in wav format. This type of file tends to have a better audio quality and, therefore, will be the right one to publish later.

7. Post on the right platforms

In the first section of this article, when we talked about what podcasts are, we mentioned some of the most used streaming platforms.

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With the material edited and ready to be uploaded, you can publish it on Spotify, Soundcloud, iTunes (Apple) or Deezer.

Later we explain in detail how to make your podcast on Spotify, today’s leading audio streaming tool.

8. Disseminate the content created

With your podcast published, it’s time to share it! A good option is to announce it on social networks so that people know about it and start listening to it.

In addition to working with thought leaders who recommend your content, as we mentioned before, we suggest you read our article on how you can boost the reach of your business networks yourself.

How to upload a podcast to Spotify

Although, as we said, there are other platforms where you can share your podcast, the most widespread is Spotify. For this reason, we have created a special section to give you more details about this task.

The tool has a division called Spotify for podcasters. To publish a podcast on Spotify, the first thing is to use the platform’s partner aggregator. Some are:

To see the complete list, go to the official Spotify website where it is explained in detail.

After choosing one and creating your program, you have to register and upload the content in . We leave you the step by step of what you have to do when entering the link:

  1. Click on “Start” and log in.
  2. Read and accept the terms and conditions to continue.
  3. Paste the link of the “RSS feed”, this link is generated by the aggregator that you selected before.
  4. Copy the code from the aggregator and paste it on the Spotify page.
  5. Include the name, category, country, and information about your podcast.
  6. Click the “Submit” button and you’re done!

It may take a few hours for the app to display the content as it goes through a series of reviews.

After a while, you’ll have access to other features in your podcast dashboard, like listener and follower reports. With these statistics you will be able to understand how your content is performing.

To upload more content, I included the new file to the aggregator, along with a cover image for that episode, the chapter title and description. So it will be available on Spotify automatically after a few minutes.

I spread your podcast through Linktree. Learn all about this tool here:


What is a podcast for?

If we asked ourselves what a podcast is from the beginning, it was because you can integrate it into your virtual store.

  • Allows you to expand your strategy. Speaking of topics that have to do with…
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