What is a web server and how does it work?

In simple terms, a web server is a computer that stores, processes, and delivers website files to browsers.

Web servers are made up of hardware and software that use the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to respond to requests from web users made through the World Wide Web.

Through this process, web servers load and deliver the requested page to the user’s browser, such as Google Chrome, for example.

Web servers also use the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and the to process files for email or storage.

So what is a web server made of? From the point of view of hardware, a web server connects to the Internet, allowing you to exchange data or files between other similarly connected devices. This data comes in different forms, such as HTML files, images, JavaScript files, or . The web server hardware also stores the web server software.

The software The web server controls how web users access hosted files. It is made up of several components, which house at least one HTTP server. The latter is software that can understand HTTP requests and URLs.

Read on because this article will explain how a web server works, why we need them, and give you a list of popular examples.

How does a web server work?

Web servers follow a model client-server. In this structure, a program, also known as clientrequests a resource or service from another program, the server.

To process requests from web clients, web servers follow a few steps:

  1. When a web user wants to load the content of a web page, their browser requests access through the Internet. This is called HTTP request.
    The browser looks up the IP address of the requested website by translating the URL of the web pages through or by searching your . This process locates the web server where the site files are hosted.
  2. The web server receives the HTTP request and processes it through its HTTP server.
    Once your HTTP server accepts the request, it will search the server’s files for the relevant data.
  3. The web server then returns the site files to the web browser that sent the request. Then the web user sees the content of the site.
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However, if the HTTP server does not find or process the requested files, it responds to the web browser with an error message. One of the most common is the , but a can also appear if there are permissions issues.

On the other hand, if a web server does not receive a timely response from another server acting as a proxy or gateway, a .

Static web server vs. dynamic

Web servers can serve static or dynamic content. a web server static It consists of a computer and HTTP software. Static web servers send the files of a web page to a browser without any changes.

a web server dynamic It consists of a static web server with additional software. This software usually consists of an application server and databases.

Dynamic web servers update hosted files before delivering them through an HTTP server. This allows them to generate and deliver dynamic content to a web browser.

Web server features

In addition to supporting the protocols HTTP To process incoming requests and responses, most web servers offer the following standard features:

file log. Log files document any events or activities performed by web servers, such as request, security, and error logs. Every time a web server receives a new request, a line of text is added to the log.

Authentication. Many servers offer this feature before allowing partial or full access to a website’s resources. Authentication functions typically involve authorization requests, where a username and password are required.

Bandwidth limitation. The bandwidth of a web server is the amount of data that it can transfer or process at any given time. Bandwidth throttling controls the speed of responses to ensure the network doesn’t become overwhelmed and can deliver files smoothly.

Storage space. It refers to the amount of disk space available to store files, which determines whether a server can host a website.

A web server includes other essential elements, such as:

Programming language. The programming language of a web server is the type of code that is used to develop programs executed by a server. They are also known as server script languages. Some popular examples are and Python.

Activity time. Server uptime tracks the amount of time a web server is up and able to process requests or deliver files. This also affects the uptime of a hosted site, known as website uptime. The industry standard is a 99.9% guarantee.

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Why do we use a web server?

Web servers have three main uses:

  1. Host multiple sites or web applications.
  2. Process File Transfer Protocol (FTP) requests.
  3. Send and receive emails.

Web servers host websites so that they are accessible on the Internet. Therefore, the features and functions of a web server are focused on creating and maintaining a hosting environment.

If you want to create and publish a web page, you will need access to a web server. The most convenient way to do this is through hosting or web hosting.

The is a service that provides server space for your website to store its files, resources and databases.

Also, the role of a web host is to ensure that the servers are running smoothly. This involves backing up, caching, security monitoring, and general maintenance.

Some of the main advantages of having one that supervises and maintains the web server on which your website is hosted are:

  • Optimal uptime and performance. A web host takes care of hardware maintenance and software updates, which helps improve website performance and uptime.
  • Secure servers. Hosting providers implement effective security protocols to reduce vulnerabilities and protect hosted websites from malware or cyber attacks.
  • Various plan options. Website owners can with different features and functions based on their needs.
  • Cost effectiveness. Site owners do not have to maintain a dedicated server and can choose a plan that provides the amount of server resources needed.
  • Flexibility. Hosting providers offer scalable plans, so site owners can get additional hosting resources, such as storage or bandwidth, as needed.

web servers on the market

Some of the most popular examples of web servers are:

  • Apache HTTP Server. It is a free and open source web server that is used on many operating systems, such as Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. It is the oldest web server software and one of the most widely used by website owners, developers, and providers. of hosting, with one of more than 31%.
  • NGINX. A famous open source web server software that initially only worked for HTTP web service. It is now also used as a reverse proxy, HTTP load balancer, and email proxy. NGINX is known for its speed and ability to handle multiple connections, which is why many high-traffic websites use its services.
  • Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS). is a closed web server software developed by Microsoft and widely used on Windows operating systems.
  • Lighttpd. It is free and open source web server software that is known for its speed and requiring less CPU power. it is also popular for having a small memory footprint.
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In the realm of hosting, different hosts support different types of servers. For example, supports both Apache and NGINX, the two leading web servers on the market.


A web server is a computer that stores, processes and delivers website files. It consists of a hardware part and a software part, each of which plays a different role in processing files.

Also, different types of web servers can deliver dynamic or static content to a browser. Regardless of the type, web hosts come with some standard features, including

  • file log
  • Authentication
  • bandwidth limit
  • Storage space

Its main function is to host websites, process HTTP requests and deliver web content to users. Therefore, for your website to be accessible online, you need your own server or a .

If you choose this last option, a hosting will take care of the server, guaranteeing its security and performance. This gives you more time to focus on other aspects of your business and website growth.

Betania is a copywriter with a passion for digital marketing and website creation. She writes tutorials and performs SEO analysis on ‘s Content team. In her free time, she enjoys dancing, singing or watching a good classic movie.

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