What is an impression pixel (in digital marketing) – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

one pixel print in digital marketing is a tiny image, one pixel wide by one pixel tall (1×1 px) that is inserted in the code of a web page or some element of the page and is used to count the number of impressions.

what is an impression

Impressions in the digital realm are the times that a user is exposed or encounters advertising content. It doesn’t matter if you pay attention to it or not, or if you perform an action on this content (click, download, read…). Advertising content is ‘served’, ‘offered’ or downloaded to the user, and each time this occurs it is counted through the impression pixel, also known as the impression pixel. tracking pixel, control pixel or tracking pixel.

In display advertising, in rich formats, in mass emailings, this element is key to quantify the times that content is displayed to users.

Why is the impression pixel important?

The impression pixel helps us measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. Know how many people have seen an ador is it a basic metric which informs us of the . Measuring how online ad campaigns perform gives us a clear view of what changes are most appropriate to improve results. What cannot be measured cannot be improved.

How does an impression pixel work?

When the user enters the page that carries the tracking pixel, your IP address makes a request to the advertiser’s server. The printing pixel is transparent, the user does not perceive it but it is downloaded to your computer when you open the page.

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The user’s IP is registered on the advertiser’s server and thus Users who have seen the ad are counted. If 12,000 different IP addresses requested the pixel, then 12,000 people are considered to have had the opportunity to see the advertisement; although in practice an IP can be shared by more than one user and different computers.

Impression pixels are a secure system for tracking digital advertising. They do not change the configuration of the user’s computer and they do not collect personal data from the user, they only work with the IP.


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