What is BlackHat SEO: how to use the dark side of web positioning

the blackhat, It is a set of techniques used to improve the search engine positioning of a website. Usually these techniques are very risky, because they usually exceed what we consider the limit of the Google algorithm, and therefore you run the risk that Google “catch you” and therefore you earn a penalty.

Let’s start at the beginning: Is BlackHat SEO illegal?

The confusion between hacker and BlackHater

On many occasions, people they confuse the terms hacker and blackhater. A hacker is a person who searches for and exploits vulnerabilities in third-party computers, servers, and programs. Hackers can do unethical or criminal acts with their knowledge, since they can access private data and areas where no one should access.

However, a blackhater is only dedicated to test the google algorithm, to take it to the extreme with its techniques and knowledge.

It must also be said that some, apart from being blackhaters, are also engaged in unethical actions, such as search for vulnerabilities in websites and in CMS with which to place links to their websites without the consent of the owners. However, that is no longer Black Hat, that is already hacking a website.

For all this, the Black Hat is not something illegal, it is simply another way of seeing and doing things. Although really, if we stick to Google’s words, anyone who tries to manipulate Google rankings, either through links or through any other type of technique, could be considered black hat, because you are already breaking Google’s guidelines. That is why it is very complicated to be able to separate what is black hat from what is white hat, not to say that practically all of us are somewhat black.

Confusion between BlackHater and negative SEO

they are not black hat The darkest SEOs, who are dedicated to using black hat practices, do them on their own websites, and never take action on third-party websites. In addition, that could indeed be illegal, since it is something that no one should ever do and whoever does it is malicious.

Does BlackHat SEO Really Work?

Google against Black Hat

It is true that Google puts more obstacles and limits to blackhat with each update of its algorithm, however, today techniques that were still used in the past continue to work.

Avoiding Google

The only thing that is being done is to modify the way of acting, doing things differently so that everything seems more natural, when obviously it is not. For this reason, although Google is making it more complicated for blackhatters, blackhatters are also making it increasingly difficult for Google.

Risks of Black Hat

1 . temporality

One of the risks that you have to take when using this type of technique is that there is a high probability that works for a very short time. In other words, some black hat techniques may work, but as days go by, Google may impose a penalty on you, algorithmically or manually, upon detecting it.

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On other occasions, it is true that you can complicate things so that Google does not detect it so easily. Moreover, there are many websites that use black hat pure and simple and that works very well for them.

2. BlackHat in a WhiteHat Strategy

Sometimes, we have projects that we have taken great care of, that we have done very cleanly, but in which we need to give a push, in which we need them to go even higher. An alternative is to apply some blackhat techniques to this project, but of course it’s a double-edged sword.

On the one hand, it may be that since it is such a natural and clean project, the blackhat actions are more diluted and we do not earn any penalties, however, there is also the possibility that let’s spoil all the good work we had done by trying to “run” too much.

That is why it is necessary to assess on some occasions, if it is really worth using this type of practice or if it is worth doing things in a more natural way, even if it takes more time.

The 10 most common Black Hat Techniques

1 . stuffing

This technique has been used for a long time and the truth is that in the past it worked excellently. It was about repeat keywords many times that we wanted to position within our texts. On many occasions, these keywords were repeated compulsively and meaninglessly.

At present, this is something that no longer works so well and that can also be penalized. That is why we must be very careful with the repetition and use of our keywords within the texts.

2. Hidden texts

When you wanted Google to read a text but the user didn’t see it, what was done was hide those texts. How was it done? There were two ways. The first was putting the text in the same color as the background of the web. In this way, Google read the text in the source code, but the user did not see it, and therefore was not distracted by that text. The other way was to make the text so small that it was practically imperceptible to the user’s eyes, but obviously Google saw it in the source code without any problems.

This in the past also worked very well, however right now it is something that is heavily penalized.

3. Hidden links

The same as with the text, it was also done with the links. they hid putting the links of the same color as the background of the web, or links were made with an imperceptible text size. In this way, hundreds of link exchanges were made, which the user could not see, but that Google could find. In this way, hundreds of links were earned very quickly and easily.

This, like the hiding of texts, is highly penalized today.


It is a technique, by which a version of the web is shown to the search engine, different from the one shown users. Normally, the search engine is shown a very clean and healthy version, without any advertising, and the users a version in which there is only paid advertising.

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This technique is also heavily penalized by Google.

5. Hijacking

Explaining what hijacking is is a bit complicated since it is a fairly complex technique that can be interpreted in many ways.

In general, it is a technique that has been used to try to trick the browser in such a way that it thinks that a result that is well positioned in Google is a result of our website. That is, we try to make believe that our website is a different one, so to speak We try to supplant the other website.

This is obviously a technique that is heavily penalized.

6. Copying of content

Something that is tried on most occasions is to get as much content as possible for our website, with the minimum of effort. That is only possible if we take content from other places.

How to do this? At first it is simple, you can automatically take content from many websites thanks to their RSS, or you can also do it directly by creating a simple PHP script. This has worked very well in the past, however with the advent of this it has started to create a lot of penalties.

But blackhatters are evolving, and that is why their content copying techniques are also evolving. Many of them copy content from websites with little authority, nothing more than they have created it, and index the content on their website in Google before Google indexes the content of the website they copy from. In this way, Google may determine that your website has the original content.

There are also many other ways to successfully copy content these days, such as using archive.org for sites that no longer exist.

7. Spin content

One solution that has come up for the ripped content issue is content spinning. With this, you can make a text that is on another website changes greatly so that you can use it and that Google does not consider it a duplicate.

The problem with spinners is that the vast majority make very bad texts for some languages ​​such as Spanish, since Spanish is a language where there are many double meanings and words that can mean very different things. Not to mention the complexity of verb tenses in Spanish, which is superior to that of other languages ​​such as English.

8. 301 Redirects

It is something that has been tested extensively and has really worked and can continue to work. Is about try to transfer authority between some domains and others through 301 redirects.

Before they could be done without any care or control since there were not as many limits as today. Now they still work but you have to do it with much more care.

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9. SPAM links

One of the favorite things of blackhatters is SPAM and especially SPAM that contains links to increase the authority of their websites. There are many sites where you can SPAM, for example forums or comments on websites.

It is true that in the past it was a wilder subject and little controlled by Google, however today you have to be more careful about.

10. Automatic programs

There are many programs like SeNuke, GSA or ScrapeBox with which to generate many links automatically. The problem with automatic programs is that you can largely lose control of what they do and earn you the occasional penalty. But it is also true that if you know how to master them, you can achieve surprising results for automatic programs.

Face it: BlackHat SEO is not easy

What do you think about Black Hat SEO? If after reading these keys you want to start it up for your website, you should take these guidelines into account:

1 . You will need knowledge of WhiteHat

In order to apply BlackHat techniques, you need to have a very strong knowledge of SEO White Hat, because if you don’t have them you won’t know where the limits are or how you really have to do things for BlackHat to work.

2. Greater risk equals greater caution

When we use BlackHat techniques we have to take into account that we are running a high risk of being “hunted” by Google. That is why we will have to be as careful as possible to do things well and above all to be prepared for what may happen.

3. Fast Acting

When we use BlackHat techniques we have to be quick before anything that happens. There are many people who have projects that generate a lot of money using BlackHat techniques, but they have to be constantly acting to skip the penalties that Google is imposing on them.

4. Constant work

Although BlackHat talks about quick results and automatic tools, that doesn’t mean you don’t have to workyou have to work equally and be very constant for things to work.

5. Payment tools

Many of the tools that you will need to be able to apply these techniques will be paid tools, since they are quite complex tools that cannot be given away.

Google Penalties to SEO Black Hat

When we talk about Black Hat,…

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