What is Coenzyme Q10, what benefits does it provide for our health and how can I obtain it?

At a time when health has come to the fore, we have incorporated foods and supplements into our routine that help us strengthen our immune system. In addition to the acclaimed , or plants such as Coenzyme Q10, it has become another key piece to take care of ourselves.

Also known as ubiquinone, ubidecarenone or coenzyme Q, Coenzyme Q10 is a molecule that gives energy to our cells, which is why it has become fashionable, not only at a beauty level but also at a sports level. This molecule has a high antioxidant activity and is naturally present in our cells.

Different studies have verified the health benefits of this molecule. Among these, an investigation carried out with animals by the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) confirmed that Q10 prevents fatty liver, since it helps eliminate fats that are deposited in the liver and use them as energy combustion. For its part, a study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JAAC), called Q-Symbio, tested 420 patients with heart failure, randomly assigned to receive their usual medication along with a Q10 supplement or placebo . This showed a significant reduction in suffering some serious complication or dying from said disease in the group that took Coenzyme Q10.

What is its popularity due to?

As explained by Pedro Coloma, Country Manager of Visufarma Spain, this molecule, naturally produced by our own body and which plays an essential role in generating energy, is necessary for the development of vital functions directly related to health. of our cells. “Coenzyme Q10 is the key piece that gives our cells energy when, for example, we do intense physical exercise,” he adds.

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Both health professionals and different scientific evidence have echoed its benefits and this has reached the ears of a large part of the population. “Many athletes are beginning to bet on a supplementary contribution of Coenzyme Q10 to improve or maintain their cellular performance and, since it is something so natural, it becomes one of the most demanded options in this population profile”, they affirm from Visufarma.

At what age does the presence of Coenzyme Q10 begin to decrease?

In our first years of life, the levels of Coenzyme Q10 are high in the human body, but factors such as aging, continued stress and tobacco consumption or poor eating habits progressively reduce its presence in the tissues that need it most (such as the liver or the heart), starting to decrease from the age of 20 the internal synthesis of Coenzyme Q10.

However, keep in mind that not all nutritional supplements are created equal. Each person leads a different lifestyle, which directly affects the activity of our stomach, intestine, etc., so it is essential to choose quality food supplements that ensure the absorption of these components so that they can exert their action.

How to get Q10 through food

In addition to supplements, Q10 can also be obtained through food. Foods with variable high amounts of this molecule are: red meat and poultry, oily fish (sardines, horse mackerel, tuna, herring or mackerel), organ meats, vegetables (spinach, cauliflower or carrots), nuts ( walnuts, peanuts, pistachios, or hazelnuts), fruit (orange or strawberry), soybean sprouts and oils, or tofu.

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As explained in the health and wellness magazine WebConsultas, when consuming these foods, the body synthesizes Q10 through chemical reactions that require vitamins from group B (B2, B3, B5, B6, B12) and vitamin C, for so it is advisable to consume products that contain these nutrients.

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