What is it and how to add Meta Description in WordPress

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Still not sure how important the Meta Description of your website is? Learn to use the Meta Description in WordPress and how to write it correctly.

In addition, we show you how add it to your website.

What is the Meta Description and why is it important?

If you still don’t know what the Meta Description You can do the following exercise: enter Google and search for any term, you will see that in the different results a title appears in blue, under it a link in green and finally a small description of the page.

Well, this little description is what is known as Meta Description.

Of course, this has more substance, the Meta Description is an HTML tag placed in the code that tells Google that this is the description that will appear in search results.

The Meta Description is very important, mainly because affects SEO positioning of your website. How? With an attractive description you will attract a greater number of users to your website, which will increase the number of clicks and it will be positively reflected in your .

However, it is also important at the user experience.

There are many pages on the net and what we want is for them to click on ours. How can we get this? Differentiating ourselves through our description and using keywords in it.

In addition, it should be noted that when someone shares a page on social networks or even a link on WhatsApp, the preview that appears is also the Meta Description. So, again, we must emphasize that it must draw the attention of users.

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How to include a Meta Description in WordPress

Meta Descriptions can be included in WordPress using HTML code. The only problem is that it cannot be customized for each page or URL. Therefore, the best option for Add a Meta Description in WordPress is to install some plugin.

There are several plugins specialized in SEO that allow us to add a Meta Description to each page or article of our WordPress. They stand out among them Yoast SEO and SEOPress.

With both plugins it allows customize the Meta Description of each pagearticle or URL of your WordPress.

Our recommendation is that you do some Like this one to learn the basic functions of the plugin and thus be able to correctly carry out the SEO analysis of your articles and pages, it will be very useful for you.

They give you the possibility to put the SEO title and the Meta Description from a section under the editing page.

In addition, they also have beneficial indications for SEOfor example, it limits the number of characters in the title and the Meta Description, it allows you to mark what your keywords are on that page and does an analysis based on them, to later give you SEO indications about the content, the tags H2 and H3, readability analysis, etc.

Finally, they also allow you to view a snippet preview that will appear in Google, which is that search result that includes title, URL and Meta Description. You just have to install the plugins (to choose) and they will be ready to use.

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This is the mobile preview in the Yoast SEO Plugin of an article, and the ranking that the Plugin makes in terms of SEO and text readability:

Tips for making an effective Meta Description

Throughout the article we have been seeing some clues about how to write a meta description but, let’s leave one tips list as a summary to help you write it:

  • Beam a different Meta Description for each page or URL, must be customized for each page.

  • Use a maximum of 160 characters.

  • Includes the main keywords of that page, make them stand out.

  • make a text brief and descriptiveindicate what they are going to find on that page or what it can be used for users, think about the content.
  • Add calls to actionfor example, “learn to”, “we show you how to do”, etc.
  • It includes emoticons and distinctive elementsas they attract the attention of users and are more likely to click on your page, but without going overboard!

  • make some free course such as the ones we recommend for a better knowledge and perfection of the use of this type of plugins:

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