What is PHP? Learn all about the scripting language

The Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) is a free and open source server-side scripting language used very commonly in the . According to Web Technology Surveys, including high-traffic ones like Facebook Y Wikipedia.

Anyone can benefit from learning PHP, but it’s even more essential for those interested in web programming. PHP is available on all major operating systems like Linux, Microsoft Windows Y macOS. Most web servers including and IISThey also support PHP.

One of the main benefits of using PHP is the advancement in customizing a . Other features include great online support and documentation, so even beginners can learn PHP quickly.

In this article we will review the basics of PHP. By the end of it, you will understand all the benefits of PHP and how to use it in WordPress.

Scripting language vs programming language

PHP is a scripting language, being one of many programming languages. Note that all scripting languages ​​are programming languages, but not all programming languages ​​are scripting languages.

A programming language it is a formal computer language that combines instructions to generate a specific result. A programming language has all the necessary features to develop web applications. Also, each language has different features and provides different functions.

A scripting language incorporates additional functionalities for a specific action or function. It interprets scripts embedded in other software runtime environments and is more direct with your code.

The main difference between a programming language and a scripting language is execution. Programming languages ​​run independently to become a computer language that a machine can read and execute. Scripting languages ​​run inside another program and use an interpreter.

What is server side scripting?

A script is a series of instructions that are executed by other programs or applications. There are two types of scripting languages: those intended for the side from the server either back end and those intended for client side either front end.

PHP is a server side scripting language, which means that a server executes the instructions of a script. The server then provides data on request, pipes the requests, and organizes the information in a database.

When a web server receives a script, it processes the request and sends the output to a web browser in HTML format. A web server database stores the information so that other users cannot access the data and source code.

With scripts, users can perform operations such as customizing a website, making dynamic changes to website content, and accessing a database. Similarly, users often use a scripting language to develop web applications.

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python, Ruby, cold fusion, Java Y C++ are other examples of server-side scripting languages.

Client-side scripting languages ​​use web browsers to execute scripts. The front-end is the external end of a site that visitors see. Any user can view a site’s client-side scripts by simply clicking CTRL + U in Windows or Option + CMD + U in macOS.

Since PHP runs on the server, it is possible to use PHP with HTML. Thus, PHP will be the source code, but other users will only see the HTML code.

To demonstrate it, when a PHP script follows the following format:

PHP Test Hello World

‘; ?>

As a result, the output of this PHP file in HTML code looks like this:

Test PHP

Hello World

This code will display a message of Hello World as output in a web browser.

In short, all PHP code will follow the format that starts with and ends with ?> after instruction.

Remember that PHP tags are case sensitive, so be careful with the capitalization of your scripts.

Why use PHP?

PHP is a versatile scripting language, ideal for beginners and experts alike. Also, PHP is regularly updated to keep up with the latest technology trends. According to , PHP is listed as the sixth most popular computer language.

PHP is a very popular language thanks to its numerous advantages. These are some of them:

  • Easy for beginners: the learning curve is not as steep as for other languages. It’s easy to learn PHP for newbies by modifying parts of the .
  • Multifunction: create and customize online stores, blogs, desktop applications and social networks with PHP. And not only that, you can even PHP.
  • Support: PHP has a wealth of information online for additional guidance and support. There are also many.
  • Speed: PHP is almost three times faster than another server-side language (Python). PHP makes websites load faster, which is also a great advantage to help improve SEO rankings.
  • Low cost: PHP is open source and free, so its use is affordable for everyone.

they are available for web developers who are already familiar with PHP. Using the frameworks, users can skip much of the legwork and jump right into developing websites, applications, and products. However, if you are just starting out, feel free to check out for your small projects.

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How is PHP used in WordPress?

When , most of the documents present in the ZIP file are in PHP format. This is because WordPress is built on top of PHP. There are multiple PHP files that you can make edits and changes to the root folder.

Before you begin, please note that there are different versions of PHP available. WordPress 5.6 and above are compatible with the latest version: PHP 8.0. We recommend that you always use the latest version for .

With , you can change PHP versions by browsing through the control Panel: hPanel -> PHP Settings and selecting the version of PHP.

PHP is the language behind all WordPress plugins and themes. Knowing how to use PHP will improve your customization options. For example, if the WordPress directories don’t have a layout or tool you need for your website, you can simply create one with PHP.

To access a PHP file and edit its code, go to File Manager of your web hosting server. With , the File Manager button is located on Records in the control Panel of hPanel.

From there, click on the PHP file you want to edit, which will show you the PHP content. Edit your PHP file there and click the button Save and Close.

To edit a theme with PHP, go to your folder wp-content in the File Manager and select the folder topics. inside the folder topicsvarious PHP files indicate the header files, footers, comments, images and functions of the site.

Editing a PHP file will automatically make changes to your web page. For example, editing the header of a website can be done by editing the file header.php.

The same goes for editing a plugin. You can edit a plugin PHP file from the folder plugin inside your folder wp-content, What do you find in the root folder. Edits to each PHP file will directly affect the display of your web page.

For add PHP code to your posts or pages, install the plugin . Add the PHP code via Control Panel-> XYZ PHP Code -> PHPCode Snippets.

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Choose Add new PHP code snippet and insert your code in the field. To demonstrate it, we have added the PHP script Hello World from the previous section next to the PHP code section.

For him tracking name, write a name to label each PHP code. Then click the button To create to continue.

The plugin will generate a snippet shortcodewhich will be the post or page code.

In the Gutenberg editor, add a block of Shortcode. Next, copy and paste the shortcode there. When you see the preview, it will show Hello World on your page or post.

Do you need to know PHP to use WordPress?

Any user can use WordPress without knowing how to use PHP. However, since any user can create a plugin or theme in WordPress, since it is an open source, PHP can be very useful.

PHP also has extensive documentation available for free that provides information for users of all levels.


PHP is a very popular server-side scripting language in web development. PHP is executed on the server, which is then translated on the client side using HTML code. Thus, your web browser will create a result.

There are many reasons to use PHP, including:

  • With PHP, you can create and customize e-commerce websites, blogs, social networks, and additional email functionality.
  • Documentation and information about PHP is widely available online, from the official documentation to many online tutorials.
  • PHP is flexible and available on all major operating systems and web servers.

PHP is especially useful for WordPress users as it can be used to customize and develop themes and plugins. While learning PHP web development will be a great addition to your WordPress webmastering skills, it’s not a must.

Deyi is a digital marketing enthusiast, with a background in web design, content creation, copywriting, and SEO. She is part of ‘s SEO & Localization team. In her free time, she likes to develop projects, read a book or watch a good movie.

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