What is spam and how to protect yourself from unwanted emails through anti-spam filters – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce

In this article we are going to deal with a topic that concerns all of us who use email. Either on a professional level, or on a personal level. Whatever the reason that leads us to use this communication channel, at some point the much hated junk mail or better known as spam will appear.

A few months ago, Google ruled on this problem, 60% more than last year.

What is spam and what does it consist of?

The spam is any unwanted or unsolicited digital communication. It is commonly experienced in electronics that are sent in bulk to multiple recipients. This is a huge waste of time and resources, which is an unnecessary hassle if you use email regularly.

The main objective of spam generated by cybercriminals is to monopolize all the bandwidth of specific users by stealing credentials to use email accounts for this purpose.

So to speak, if we have an inbox in our email account, spammers will search and find a way to clog it, and generally fill it with potentially dangerous messages for the user.

So, let’s see what threats can cause spam in the email consumer.

The dangers of receiving spam

Not all spam messages are attempts to attract customers or sell some type of product. In fact, the vast majority have a very different objective, and that is to steal sensitive information from the owners of the email account.

It may be the case that spam is a chain of , or a notice for us to enter our credentials, and the latter is increasing exponentially with the passage of time and the digitization that we are experiencing.

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The most common thing is that the junk content that is received has a spy program, malware or social engineering is used to make us sting with messages that ask for our password for whatever reason. This is termed as phishingand it is one of the biggest threats that we can find on the internet.

Now that we understand the threats of receiving spam in our mailbox, the following question arises.

How to protect yourself from spam?

To avoid receiving spam we can follow certain recommendations from experts in computer security.

How not to enter our email in all the forms or surveys that we find on the Internet and not to click on the boxes to receive notifications on websites. Namely, maintain caution when entering our information on the internet.

But unfortunately, it is not always enough to be careful in our day-to-day life, and cybercriminals always find a way to intentionally or unintentionally find out our email accounts.

For this reason, we must have a barrier that blocks all spam and attempts by cybercriminals to access our credentials or sensitive data.

Perimeter spam filter

Fortunately, there is a way to successfully block all the junk content that tries to get into our inbox. So to speak, it is a shield that protects us from all the cybercriminals lurking on the internet.

Its about . We must always have a spam filter to prevent all types of spam that intends to waste our time, or worse still, that tries to take advantage of us.

Therefore, if you have an anti-spam filter in your email accounts, you will no longer worry about whether you are safe when you access the mail, or if your data is in some kind of danger.

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If, on the other hand, you still do not have an active spam filter, our advice is that you contact your hosting provider, such as , to advise you on the subject and proceed to install it.

We can’t always tell if an email is spam. In some cases we will find out right away, but in other cases, you will need an intelligent system to find out for you, as is the case with the anti-spam filter. To avoid wasting more time with spam messages and keep yourself safe on a day-to-day basis, it is almost a must to consider taking some measure against the much-hated spam.

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