What is the ‘sales closer’? The emerging profession with the most job opportunities

In a month in which hardly any jobs are created and unemployment quadruples, the Sales Closer has become the revelation profession of 2020. A vital figure for 100% of companies, essential to ensure the survival of any business and which is climbing positions as one of the professions with the most future today.

Knowing how to close a (high-value) sale is one of the most in-demand skills and is transforming the job market. At the same time, the Sales Closer is also an increasingly valued figure, like other jobs related to information and communication technologies (ICT) that the offer is not being able to cover. And it is that, according to the European Commission, this year 2020 between 500,000 and 750,000 jobs related to new technological skills will remain unfilled within the European Union.

“The Sales Closer is one of the most demanded positions in the job market. Essential to close a high-value or high-ticket sale in a real and tangible way in any sector or field, this figure stands among the most demanded positions in the job market. work that is proof of any crisis or period of recession”, point out Alfonso Bastida and Christian Helmut, experts in closing sales and directors of the first specialized school to train specialists in this field.

In total, they have trained more than 160 closers from all over the territory in 2019 alone through their sales closer certification program. All of them, together, throughout the current year, have managed to invoice more than 30,000 million euros.

worker qualities

moral ethics. Most salespeople act with outdated sales techniques that rely on scripts and customer manipulation tactics regardless of whether or not they can help the person. The Sales Closer acts from ethics where the feeling that prevails is that of being able to help another person. The sale is seen as a way to satisfy a need that a potential client has and it is always acted on from there.

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“High value” psychology. The Closer is the figure that increases the flow of high value sales. According to his calculations, it increases the sales capacity of any business up to 90% of high-value sales.

self-knowledge There are many commercials who focus on learning to sell products/services but are unable to “sell themselves” so that they choose them instead of the competition… and that happens because they do not know themselves or what they have to offer. does not have the competition. For Bastida and Helmut, the first step to having a profitable business is to acquire the ability to know how to close the sale of oneself as the best option.

Empathy. To understand the fantastic world of sales closings you have to put yourself in the other person’s shoes. What is known as “empathy”. In fact, you have to change the word “sell” to “help” in your vocabulary.

Integrity. Integrity is maintaining consistency between what you feel, what you say and what you do. Acting from that position is vital for a Sales Closer, because all their credibility and trust is at stake.

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