3 tricks in the Google translate that you did not know, but you needed

Google’s translator is undoubtedly one of the most used tools in the world, thanks to its simplicity and speed, millions of people use it to solve their doubts and understand phrases and words in other languages, but surely you’re not giving it everything the profit you could.

That is why we are going to show you three tricks that you may not have known, but they will surely be very useful for you in the future, and best of all, they are easy to use and available to everyone.

Translate a document

The most basic use that we all give to Google translator is to translate a word or phrase that we do not know in another language, but this is just the tip of the iceberg, since the company offers among many of its tools the possibility of translating an entire document.

This can only be done from the web version of the translator, and you just have to select the document and drag it there. In a few seconds, the platform returns your entire document in the selected language, they accept files in .docx, .pdf, .pptx or .xlsx formats.

Translate everything from your camera

On many occasions when you go on a trip outside the country and go to a restaurant, you stand in front of the menu and you do not understand anything of what they say, because with this function of the translator this problem is going to end.

Thanks to Artificial Intelligence, your smartphone’s camera together with Google technology, allow you to take a photo of a text, in this case a restaurant menu, and it automatically offers you the translated text in the language you want.

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You no longer need to waste time typing words you don’t know, but by opening the translator, clicking on the camera icon and focusing on the text, you’ll have the translation instantly.

Write in one language and have it appear in another

Finally, this Google translator tool is perfect for translating phrases and words without having to go directly to this platform, since it allows you to translate them without leaving another app where you are writing.

It is a translator integrated into the Gboard keyboard, and that can be used in messaging applications or the notes of your device. To activate it, you just have to start writing, click on the date located on the left and on the three horizontal dots. Here you will find the option to translate, and when you press it, everything you write in a language will be automatically translated into the selected language.

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