Ten resistant and decorative indoor and outdoor plants for our homes

Although it sounds like a cliché, caring for plants makes you feel better, and there are several studies that prove it. Among them, an analysis published in the Netherlands in 2011 and published on CNN Health determined that with just half an hour a day dedicated to cultivating a garden or caring for plants, cortisol levels (the hormone released in response to stress) can be significantly reduced. For its part, a study published by the University of Texas confirmed that older people who gardened had higher levels of optimism and satisfaction than those who did not.

In this sense, many people became fond of gardening and were encouraged to have plants at home as a result of the home confinement caused by the coronavirus crisis, with the aim of However, do we know which plants are the best -and why- to care inside and outside the home? Next, a tour of the five most resistant and decorative indoor and outdoor plants.

Inside plants

Pothos: It is a very resistant indoor plant that needs to receive a lot of light to keep its leaves healthy, therefore, it is recommended to place them near a window but to receive light through a curtain and not directly. The poto does not require continuous watering, it is recommended to give it once a week, approximately, and let the soil dry between watering.

Cactus: There are more than 2,500 varieties of cacti, so there is a wide range to choose from. Despite being a plant that does not require much care, it does need to receive a lot of light, which is why they are ideal for placing in or near windows. Like pothos, it does not need a lot of water.

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Dracaena: Its easy cultivation and color make it a perfect plant for indoors, since it is truly decorative. As for the light, the dracaena can be located in places that are more or less illuminated indistinctly, and should not be watered excessively. As for the ideal temperature for its growth, it is between 22 and 26 ºC, and it should never be kept at temperatures below 14 ºC.

Ivy: This is one of the few plants that come from Europe and can be grown indoors. You don’t need to receive large amounts of light but you don’t need to be in a totally dark place either. As for water, it is recommended to water every 2 or 3 days in summer and daily in winter. One of its peculiarities is that, if it grows too much, it can be taken outside, since this plant is also prepared for it.

Sansevieria: It is one of the most resistant indoor plants that exist, so they are ideal for the most ‘disappointed’. Its African origin makes this plant need a lot of sun but not directly. However, its strength means that it can also live in less illuminated places, although its development will be slower in this case. It must be kept in environments that are around 15º and do not water excessively. In fact, it is important to let the soil dry between watering.

outdoor plants

Bamboo: This plant, of Chinese origin, is one of the favorites outdoors for its resistance and decorative character. It needs an intense light but without directly receiving the sun’s rays. The ideal temperature for its maintenance is between 18º C and 24º C, although it holds well between 10º and 30º. Regarding irrigation, it must be in a container with water that will be changed once a week in winter and twice in summer.

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Gaura: Gauras are perennial plants ideal for outdoors, and can be in full sun or semi-shade. It is a very resistant plant, which supports the cold very well, even down to -15ºC. However, it is not very akin to hot climates. We must water it about 3 or 4 times a week in the hottest time of the year and 2 times in the coldest months.

Climbing jasmine: Jasmine is a rustic plant that appreciates the heat but can also survive lower temperatures. Thus, in order to enjoy the authentic beauty of its flowering, the plant needs to be exposed to the sun. It needs to be watered abundantly in the spring and summer months, approximately every two or three days.

Lavender: Being a wild shrub, this plant will flourish without much care in the summer months. It is important that it receives direct sun, at least six hours a day, and that it has its own space. That is to say, that it is not planted very close to other plants. When it comes to irrigation, it is important not to wet its branches and flowers so that fungi do not proliferate.

Agapanthus: This plant blooms throughout the summer, offering an unbeatable decorative aspect for our exteriors. It is recommended to have them in deep pots and in places that do not have extreme climates. As for irrigation, during the flowering months the plant must be hydrated, but without going too far. Another of their qualities is that they are strong plants, which resist pests and diseases very well.

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