What is web cache? A guide for beginners

Have you ever left a website because it took too long to load? This is a big problem for website owners without a . But don’t worry, as there are many ways to , one of which we’ll cover in this article: web caching. In this article, you will learn what web caching is and how to use it.

What is web cache?

In a nutshell, web caching stores data on a server for future reuse.

How exactly does it work? When you open a site, the cache gathers all of the website’s data, converts it to an HTML file, and opens it in your browser.

The next time you open the same site, the cache will load a copy. This helps the server to work faster and not get overloaded.

Of course, if the website is updated, the process will start from the beginning.

Two things to keep in mind: First, not all websites use cache. Second, the cache can be expired or manually deleted.

If you are using Google Chrome and want to clear the cache, click the three points at the top right of your page to go to the menu and select Record (or press Ctrl + H). Then click Clear browsing data. After that, check the option you want and press Delete data.

Why is cache important?

The web cache plays an important role in the loading speed of the website. This results in better performance, as visitors won’t have to wait long for the web page to load.

Less processing for HTTP requests means the website will use less bandwidth. This is a good thing, especially if you have limited resources.

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Types of caching

There are two types of web caching: server side Y browser side.

With browser-side caching, data is collected and downloaded when you load a web page. After downloading them, the browser saves them temporarily. This allows the page to load much faster when you open the site again.

Server-side caching is similar in concept to browser-side caching. The difference is that the server is the one that stores temporarily. Its difference is that it can store more data.

There are several caching systems for this last type of storage: the full page cachingthe object caching and the chunk caching.

In a nutshell, full page caching stores the entire web page. This is useful when the page has a lot of traffic.

On the other hand, object caching is used to store a part of the site in different locations.

Fragment caching is similar to object caching, except that it targets specific parts of the website, such as widgets and extensions.

Professional advice

Increase the performance of your website with the object caching feature of the LiteSpeed ​​Cache plugin (LSMCD), this can improve the response time of your website up to 10%.

Web caching of a WordPress site

Caching can be used to improve the performance of your . You can create the necessary code yourself, but if you don’t have the necessary skills, there are alternatives.

, for example, with built-in caching features. Plans range from €1.99 per month. Also, it offers a 30-day money back guarantee, in case you are not satisfied with the services.

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Plus, there are great ones for managing web caching that are easy to use and easy to use.

Remember to only use one caching plugin to ensure your site works.

Here are some of the best WordPress caching plugins:


W3 Total Cache is one of the most popular free WordPress caching plugins. This extension is perfect for those who want to try out the various types of web caching. It offers everything from page caching to fragment caching.


WP Super Cache has a unique way of caching websites. You have three categories for your web caching system: expert, simple Y wp-cache cache. The simple model uses PHP to serve static files. Expert uses Apache mod_rewrite and WP-cache uses pages from previous users.


Autoptimize is a WordPress caching plugin that focuses on scripts and styling. It is simple and straightforward as you only need to check the given options to optimize the HTML, Javascript and website.


Web caching is an important feature that ensures faster website loading speed.

There are different types of web cache: full page, object, and fragment. Each type has different functions.

To ensure your WordPress website works properly with web caching, you can either use WordPress hosting that comes with built-in caching features or use a plugin for easier use.

If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below!

Deyi is a digital marketing enthusiast, with a background in web design, content creation, copywriting, and SEO. She is part of ‘s SEO & Localization team. In her free time, she likes to develop projects, read a book or watch a good movie.

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