Why design is important for your digital strategy?

We often put visual identity aside because we believe that design is superfluous, responsible only for making things more “beautiful”.

Actually, design is an essential element to create a dialogue with your target audience, generate recognition and identification with your product, in addition to being in charge of the technical aspects that make the publication or any graphic piece more pleasant to read, driving it more clearly and intuitively.

Together with the copy, the design constitutes the first line of your campaign and product: it is these two elements combined that carry out the producer-buyer or affiliate-buyer interface.

And we know how much a visual identity and a text that you identify with, that speaks to you, influences the purchase decision.

But even though the job of the designer is very important and irreplaceable, you don’t have to be a professional to create graphic elements that generate sales and conversion.

By following the advice in this text, you will be able to create your own images and make your posts and ads more eye-catching on click!

To create a sales page that really converts, you first need to know your target audience.

who has done the knows that the objective of the producer/affiliate is to offer the best user experience, and this is possible only when we make a communication aligned with the interests of our avatar.

As soon as you walk into a supermarket to realize that each segment has a well-defined target audience: products for children are different from those for adults, which in turn are different from products for personal hygiene, and so on. .

And that also applies to the market for !

People tend to visually identify with products, which is why it is so important to invest in presentation in the same way that we care about quality.

As you get to know your avatar better, and that your product belongs to a very specific niche, being able to identify whether or not a graphic piece is suitable for your target audience becomes a natural process.

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look for references

Whether on the Internet or even in your day to day, collect visual references.

Take photos of the products, packaging and other graphic pieces, physical or virtual, that are related to your product and your target audience.

This observation exercise itself already offers you a very good collection of colors, shapes, photo styles and fonts that you can apply on your website to make it more attractive to your lead.

Another strategy that works is to benchmark companies that operate in the same industry as yours and find out what they are doing both visually and copy-wise.

This analysis can provide you with valuable information to improve your product.

Always remember that benchmarking does not mean literally copying what your competitor is doing, but rather finding references that can be adapted to your business.

be consistent

If you are a you just created a either video classesfor example, you probably already have a set of visuals in the product itself!

Use these elements to create advertisements, and other products that are consistent with your initial proposal.

That’s important because visual consistency increases the trustworthiness of your ads for the product.

Have you already imagined if you create an ad that is completely different from your sales page, which in turn is not related to your own product?

The user who clicks on the ad will not have identification with your speech, which reduces the chances that they will provide you with information, either by email or payment information.

To prevent this from happening, make sure that your communication (copy and design) are aligned on all your online pages. The consistency of your posts is one of the determining factors in keeping leads interested in your page/product.

Be careful what attracts attention

One tends to think that everything is worth emphasizing, that the set of information we are passing on is crucial (and often it is!). But when it comes to design, when everything is drawing attention…nothing stands out!

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If there are several elements competing with each other for the reader’s attention, the tendency is for it to be completely lost.

To highlight what is most important, you must adopt two strategies: give priority to information, which is only possible with a good knowledge of copy; and differentiate actions within your site through colors.

But since the text is about design, let’s talk about the use of colors.

Do a Google search for “Color Wheel” and “Complementary and Analogous Color Palette” and you will find many examples of color combinations.

For example, if the product has a blue hue, use a similar palette of other shades of blue and teal to create most of your sales or advertising page, such as boxes and titles.

In another sense, use complementary colors, such as, in this case, orange and red to highlight Calls to Action (CTA), also known as Calls to Action, and other elements that drive reading, for example arrows.

Having this concern with color palette is critical, as digital marketing studies show that 93% of consumers consider the visual appearance of a website to be the most important factor contributing to the final purchase decision.

And remember: different elements, different shapes.

Never create a CTA that could go unnoticed or be confused with any other illustration, or vice versa.

Simplify the navigation and understanding of the visitor of your page, do not make him think too much, otherwise you may lose potential buyers of your product.

And some other visual elements can be very important to guide the reader’s eye.

Putting a photo with a person looking towards a CTA can increase conversion and click-through rate. The arrows that prompt the reader to navigate through the rest of the page content as well.

These factors can increase the average time a lead spends on your sales page and, therefore, the probability that they will make a purchase.

Be original in your approach!

These days it’s easy for an ad to get overlooked, both on the Google Display Network and on Facebook.

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We are bombarded 24 hours a day, both on our computer screen and on our mobile phones, with memes, videos, news and all kinds of visual content, which makes it increasingly difficult to stand out in the market.

So avoid clichés, try to be original and think of ways to communicate with your audience that your competitors never used.

Use filters and illustrations, edit (even minimally) the images that you are going to use in your ads and on the sales page.

And try!

Do A/B testing every time an ad isn’t performing well or when your sales page is converting less than expected.

Change some of the most important elements, like the CTA color and the ad images, and make sure that the changes made have an impact on conversion rates.

design is your friend

Although it is not the only factor that influences the purchase decision, design is very important for digital marketing.

He and the copy are the elements that translate what your product is, in addition to promoting dialogue between the producer or affiliate and the consumer.

By creating a consistent visual and text identity, your campaign becomes more effective, saving unnecessary rework and costs.

Even when you hire a designer to carry out the preparation of the graphic materials and advertisements of the product to be promoted, it is important that you, as a Producer or Affiliate, keep these tips in mind to discover what works for your audience.

If you liked our recommendations or have any questions about them, leave your comment!

This text was produced in collaboration with Carlos Duarte, designer of .

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