Why is it important to sign a contract?

The contract must be something ESSENTIAL before embarking on a job, it can simply be the return of the accepted budget or the other part of the income that a freelance professional has, the fixed income.

These types of projects are basically a series of actions that we will carry out periodically, either every month, quarterly or with the agreed time interval. This is the greatest security that a liberal professional can have, a series of fixed income for a fixed job, which complements those money entries that we have when we carry out the projects.

These fixed jobs can be of a very diverse nature. Either advertising if we are managing a portal, or maintenance of the various web pages or applications that we have developed for other companies or all those things that occur to us to offer, to at least be able to cover the fixed expenses that we all incur (connection, office if we are lucky enough to have one, meals with clients, equipment, etc.).

All of this obliges us to have a contract in writing and signed by both parties, to ensure two things:

  • A customer’s intention to pay.
  • What we include in that contract.

It probably seems very insistent to you with the topic of including the obligations of each one of the parties, but the nerve that some people apply when it comes to making others work is incredible. So, as they say in Spain, “Light things and thick chocolate”, that is to say that things are as they should be, that neither he has the impression that you are trying to deceive him, nor you the impression that you are playing the nerd.

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And to conclude, say that there should be no shame in insisting that until it is signed, you will not work, since as we said in the previous article, if we were paid for all the hours not included in the budgets, we would already be rich .

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