Why the Treasury has not yet paid you the 2021-2022 Income: these are the reasons and the deadlines

The majority of people who file the Income Tax return obtain a favorable result and obtain a refund from the Treasury (65% of the returns last year, ), but these refunds do not always occur quickly or with the same processing time.

Thus, there may be cases in which the taxpayer quickly receives (in a matter of days or, at most, a couple of weeks) the refund from the Treasury and, on the contrary, other people are still waiting for that money to arrive. their account even if they have already completed and confirmed the return filing.

The truth is that the Tax Agency has enough time to proceed with the payment of returns to taxpayers in Income 2021-2022. (Income Tax of Physical Persons) explains that the refund will take place “within six months following the end of the period established for the presentation of the declaration”.

Therefore, and , the Tax Agency can pay the taxpayer this refund until the end of 2022, since the Campaign ends on June 30.

Things change when the taxpayer submits his return after the deadline, that is, beyond June 30. For these cases, those six months start from the date of presentation of the declaration: if the delivery, for example, on August 1, the Treasury could take until February 1.

Within these periods, returns may take more or less time. There is no exact formula, although if a refund is delayed more than expected it may be because the Tax Agency is carrying out extra checks on the filed return (such as, for example, verifications of compliance with the requirements for the collection of deductions).

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Another possible reason is that, for reasons of receipt of returns, there has been a bottleneck with the arrival of a greater number of submissions that causes an extra delay in the delivery of the returns due to that jam in the processing of the drafts.

What happens if the Treasury does not pay the Rent on time?

The taxpayer should not be alarmed either in the event that, after the period that the Treasury has to pay the refunds to the citizens, the money has not arrived. Regardless of the cause that has generated this delay, the agency will simply take a little longer to pay, but that refund will not be at risk.

In fact, the Treasury will compensate for this delay, since it is obliged by law to pay, in addition to this refund, interest on arrears to the citizen. For 2022, according to the General State Budgets, default interest is 3.75%.

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