WordPress security course #9: WordFence – .com

Welcome to the ninth class of the . In today’s class we will see how WordFence Security works, a very complete and exhaustive WordPress security plugin.

9 – WordFence

WordFence is a very complete security plugin and one of the oldest on the scene. We are going to review the configuration options it has, to see how to get our WordPress ready.

Once again, you can see that this plugin shares many points that we have already touched on by code, and some more. It is quite a long class because it has many options, but as you can see, it is not difficult.

Today’s homework is to install WordFence and check all the settings as I have been doing in the video, especially the most important and useful ones, such as hiding existing users or failed passwords.

So, this is all for today’s class. This plugin is also a candidate for the next security course we will do, in which we will dedicate 10 chapters to just one of these plugins. At the moment, you can choose between Sucuri, iThemes Security and WordFence. In the next class we will add another one. Stay tuned 😉

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All chapters in this course:

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