WPML Course #8: Translate images and media with WPML – .com

Today we will see how to translate the information of images and other media files in WordPress if we have several languages, without having to duplicate files.

You already know that this class is the eighth of the , the plugin that allows us to manage multiple languages ​​in WordPress. You will be able to download it from the and you will also have access to the rest of the .

During the previous lessons we have translated practically everything, but there is something that remains in the pipeline: the images. Whether they are the ones within the content, as well as the featured images, it is clear that we have to offer them in several languages. Let’s see how.

8.1 – Translating the information of the new images

We will start by installing the corresponding extension that you can find in the . Once installed and activated, we will see how easy it will be for us from now on to translate any new image or file that we attach to our content.

Easier can not be. As you can see, WPM takes care of everything. We simply have to modify the attributes and information of the image in each translation and the plugin takes care of the rest. A key point in this process is, as you can see, that WPML does not duplicate filesbut only its metadata, and I already mentioned the implications of that at the SEO level.

8.2 – Translating the information of existing images

So far so good… but what about the images that already existed? If you already had the website done, and you have added more languages ​​afterwards, what can you do now with the historical image gallery? Easy, let’s see it:

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Easy right? WPML has taken care of everything, and we already have our media gallery ready to translate the information from all the files. Also, I love the detail of being able to see which post or page each image corresponds to. That should be native to WordPress, because sometimes there are many images that we don’t know to which articles or pages they correspond to, and this puts it on a silver platter.

Anyway, this is all for today. But do not go yet, there is still more. In the next class we will translate… WooCommerce! 🙂

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