Write short titles

Keep your headlines short.

Newspaper headlines are too long, the same can be applied to any title that we put on our web pages, so we must take care of this aspect.


With such long title structures it is almost impossible to focus attention on these covers.

With headlines of 12, 13, 14 words it is quite difficult to identify keywords, or simply some space to rest your eyes.


Inside, things don’t improve since the headline makes the subheading practically invisible (yes, that small text that goes below the headline and can barely be read).

make them shorter

The message is simple. Make short headlines. The objective of the headline is simply to attract the user, not to give them the brief of the news.

On the other hand, if you want to position correctly in search engines, it would be better to use those really key terms and not 10 filler words.

What elements should you include in our headlines?

names of people

It includes the names of the protagonists, outstanding characters, etc…

Data, numbers, dates

10 million, 25 people, 13.5% increase… the data attracts the eye. Use them to create reference points within your page.

Places, cities, addresses

If the location helps to understand the information, use it.

The common denominator of all these criteria…?

Be concrete, specific, direct, clear in your headlines. Use the subheadings to alcarar.

This criteria will help to visually clean the page.

Brief headlines will help your cover to be visually cleaner and if you apply the criteria of being concrete and specific in your headlines, you will have a better positioning.

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