【 Avoid YouTube Copyright 】 Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

For in we must follow a series of rules and regulations that are established to order and organize the community. Also, you must comply with local laws governing the activity and behavior inside the internet.

As we know, the most protected today is the copyrightsince it is closely related to intellectual property and copyright. If you want to create a channel on this platform, you must know these terms.

Today we will help you become a content creator in YouTube, without violating any of its regulationswith this article, where we will show you All you need to know.

What are the most important aspects you should know about YouTube copyright?

Without so many boring words, we can define copyright, as the set of rules that protect content created by a person. The law provides full support for those artists who generate content of all shapes and types, so that it is not reused without authorization. copyright also is known as copyright, thus defined in common law. In case you wonder, copyrights are the same as intellectuals, just because the name changes, it doesn’t mean they’re different.

YouTube is a broad platform that allows us to enjoy of audiovisual content. For this reason, it will always protect the properties of the authors, including both content uploaded only to its platform, or external content. All content, no matter how small, are subject to copyright. For this reason it is so important to create content totally unique. The titles are the only ones that are not directly subject to by copyrightHowever, there are exceptions.

if we want use content protected by copyright without violating intellectual rights, we must first obtain the consent of the author, Since they are the only ones who can say who is not, they can reuse their content. There are, on the other hand, content free of copyright that we can use. The creator of the content offers his works so that they can be reused, under the license of .

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Learn step by step how to avoid copyright problems in your YouTube videos

For upload content on YouTubethese must be free of copyrightotherwise we will be breaking the rules of the platform.

To help you in this, we leave you some steps below, so that your channel is free from breach of copyright:

Use CC content

The contents under the Creative Commons license, are completely free for reuse. For this reason it is highly recommended to use them, since we are not committed to copyright. However, many professionals recommend editing this content sparingly, as it allows them to identify themselves to a video network as large as YouTube.

Note: editing in a moderate way, it is established not to violate the conditions of use of the file, established under the CC license.

Use a cappella songs

Use a cappella songs, It can be one of the best options to share our content, without being penalized for Youtube, for any violation of copyright. If we upload or use complete (original) songs, we must know that we are breaking community guidelines. In conclusion, there are two options, request permission from the author, or simply use a cappella songs, to make use of his lyrics in some content.

Make your song covers

Create covers is the quick solution to use music in videos without affecting the copyright. According to the Spanish translation it means cover, and this is the objective, since we must modify the songs, be it with an editor or in another way, to create differences with the original. This method It is widely used by channelswhere they use a musical background, or offer songs to work relaxed or animate events.

Use music from the YouTube library

If the objective of our channel in YouTube, is to offer tutorials or guides on any topicusing a good musical background is the most recommended, but in a world where copyright is so protected, we must make use of copyright-free content. To solve this, Youtube offers us a wide library of music copyright free. These audios, can be downloaded completely freeand used as backgrounds for our videos.

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Trim songs at 9 seconds

If we see in Youtube, Many of the big channels use famous music, as backgrounds, to present some content, or an experience. However, when analyzing timing and audio quality, it’s not like the original. The first and most recommended thing is to cut the songs down to nine seconds, so that YouTube can’t recognize it, avoiding violating copyright. With the use of a good application, the extraction of the audios is very simple, and shortening them, much more.

Use frames on protected videos

If your channel is one of those that shows video clips, or anime content, that are protected by copyright, the best option to reuse them is editing them. The first thing is to add a watermark, and a frame wide enough so that YouTube does not identify the video. On YouTube we will normally see videos that have frames, and some watermarkseven sharpen the audio. The purpose of this is that Youtube don’t put us in blacklist for violating copyright.

List of the best copyright-free image, video and audio banks for YouTube

As we already mentioned, the contents that are free of copyright they can be freely reused for our channel, but getting them not always very easy.

For this reason, we created a small list of five totally free and copyright-free content banks:


Videovo is the preferred video bank for many people with great channels on youtube. It has a wide range of results, which allows us to use any content and download it, and thus create great videos for our audience.

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Many of us already knew Pixabay since long before. This bank of images, illustrations, vectors, and videosoffers us all its results downloadable, and totally free. just using pixabay As our only content bank, we will be able to create great videos, which will delight the public, without violating any copyright.


After pixabay, the second most famous information bank is Morguefile. There the users they upload their non-profit images, with the intention that they can be reused on any platform or social network. It has a number of files that will allow us to achieve the objectives of our channel. Nevertheless, they are not of the best qualitybut with an excellent image editor this can be solved.


Many of the sound banks, they offer us free audios, but they are not long-lasting. When we need files that are up to 18 minutes long, we can use Elong Sound, famous for this quality. The sounds that we can extract from this audio bank They are not of the best quality out there.. However, it is not the lowest either, since its contents are considered to be within the acceptable average.


Lastly, we have soundeffects+ a great provider of sounds, which gives us security in all its contents, marked by the copyright free. The sounds that they offer us, are found in a wav or mp3 format, that by making a single click we can download all those that we like so much. The great quality of this page is that, when downloading some content, gives us a kind of record, asserting that the extracted file is copyright free.

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