【 CYBER SECURITY 】 What it is + What it is for + Benefits ▷ 2022

The vulnerability that currently exists in our data and the information we handle on different computers is one of the biggest concerns among users. In order to protect this, there are different techniques, to which cybersecurity is dedicated..

This tool specializes in safeguarding the computer data we use. But for To understand in greater depth what this topic is about, we have to expand different concepts.

In this article you will find information about cybersecurity, or computer data security, that will help you protect your equipment more efficiently. In addition, we will see the benefits of implementing this technique and you will also learn about different concepts that will help you understand this important topic more easily.

What is cybersecurity and why should we use it in our computer equipment?

Cybersecurity is a technique that focuses on protecting data and any other element of a computer environment.. This tool is interested in analyzing the security that exists in a specific network or device. It also studies the software used in a technological information medium in order to eliminate vulnerabilities, according to established criteria.

It is necessary to have a cybersecurity system to be able to avoid causes originating from different sources. We can highlight, within this category, malicious programs or .

These are a set of software that includes , or any other system that maliciously harms a computer. Their job is to remove the barriers that keep intruders out so they can access confidential information or reproduce indefinitely to spread.

Other reasons or causes that must be analyzed with cybersecurity is the permission granted to users on a network. It is common to have security problems when there are users with oversized faculties and they do not have enough capacity to be able to take the corresponding care not to open the door to intruders.

Computer security also studies the programming errors that may exist in software used on a computer or network. This is because the errors generate the possibility of creating crackers that simulate a patch in order to access the installed apps or apps. In this way, intruders have a clear path to steal information from the user.

So far, we have mentioned the points that cybersecurity sees from the software. But We should not only think of this tool as a weapon to combat the intrusion of hackers or malware into a network or computer equipment. But also computer security is aimed at avoiding intentional or unintentional accidents in the manipulation of files or computer material. This can arise due to theft, fire or also due to electronic failures that can break the devices.

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What are the main dangers that computer security protects us from?

At present there are different dangers for which computer security works permanently. We will show you below what are the main threats from which cybersecurity protects us.

Information theft

One of the most common risks that exist today is when an attacker enters a network and steals or alters its operation to extract valuable information. This is done to later use or sell it to third parties.

Many times these threats they can be given internally through users or technically qualified personnel who recognize the network and they know how it works and where are the weaknesses for which they can enter. Another way they have to access a network is by circumventing the defense mechanisms of firewalls, since they can comply with the protocols required by this tool and enter the network directly.

As we told you before, there are different ways to steal data. Another very common way is when it is done by people outside a network, the advantage in these cases is that the attackers do not have clear information on how its structure works. Therefore, in these situations, cybersecurity is much more efficient.

electronic data destruction

It is another of the dangers to which a network or computer equipment is exposed. Occurs when an intruder enters the network illegally. This is generally done through malware that is installed via email and other mechanisms that are trusted by users. Without their presence being noticed or being realized, users self-propagate to directly damage development codes in order to destroy electronic information.

identity substitution

It is also a very common cybercrime today. These attacks are generated through certain mechanisms that use media such as social networks.. In which the victim has to enter the username and password data to a trusted place, but in reality they are accessing a completely false site, with a graphical interface similar to the original, which seeks to steal information. This technique is also known as phishing..

systems override

This is another of the cyberattacks that can occur when you enter a network or device. The hacker, with different software, Causes the abort of operating systems or hardware that force users to have to restart the computer or directly not be able to work on them.

scams theft of money

Many times the attackers do not seek to commit a crime that generates the destruction of software or hardware. They simply seek to extract money from users through deception.

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For this, they use different techniques in which information theft can occur with techniques with banners or any other misleading advertising indicating non-existent prizes or benefits. In these attacks, the user must pay a certain sum for it in order to access a theoretically greater benefit.

Fire or destruction of hardware

As we have already discussed, cybersecurity not only deals with soft mechanisms or software but also seeks to intervene so that the equipment does not suffer physical destructionsuch as a fire or breakage due to the bad procedure carried out by the users.


We can summarize in this type of danger that cybersecurity safeguards are created to prevent war attacks for political reasonssince the attackers collect information according to the user’s thoughts or data that can compromise the future of the people of a country.

Cyberterrorists generate an apocalyptic environment among citizens to lose stability and obtain a benefit that is often not known at first.

Why is it necessary to use cybersecurity as a user and as a company? Benefits

When cybersecurity is used frequently and establishing it as a key success factor for a user or a company, different benefits are obtained. We will show you below, what are the advantages most important things that are achieved when establish principles of computer security on a network or computer.

Protection for equipment and other devices

Cybersecurity one of the main objectives it has is to protect equipment and devices, whether mobile or desktop. They also guard other kinds of hardware from intruder attacks with which the information stored in the equipment is put at risk through theft, fire or any type of destruction.

Therefore, when computer security principles are used, different techniques are established that help to raise the entry barriers to cyber attackers.

Information integrity and privacy

Just as cybersecurity protects computers, its initial objective is also to provide security for the information handled by computers and the data of network users.

This can be done based on techniques that may be the most extensive, but to name the most important we can say the installation of anti virusof firewall, restricted access the different users to the information, implementation of access keys with a certain degree of complexity.

Creating healthy norms for safety

As there is a process in which computer security is safeguarded, all users they are compromised in acquiring norms and habits that are healthy for the organization of the network or its teams directly. This helps to more quickly find any vulnerabilities that may arise in a short time.

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Improvement of a corporate image

Something that many times people and company administrators do not realize is that, when implementing a cybersecurity system, brings with it a positive image of customers regarding the company. This is so since people feel safe when they deliver their information to a company that manages technological security standards to take care of their personal data.

better decisions

One of the most positive results that is generated when an implementation of computer security systems is produced is that businessmen, or users in general, can make better IT decisions when they are or feel protected. Thanks to the implementation of cybersecurity, people easily detect what are the potential threats that could harm the company before making a decision.

controlled indices

It is another of the points in favor of cybersecurity. Since the people in charge of this type of security carry out analyzes where they measure the incidents with respect to the probability that they have occurred. This allows have more complete information to be able to prevent other similar attacks and know in advance what the risks are that the business, or any individual user, may face in the future.

What are the phases of an effective information security strategy?

To better protect a particular network or device, it is necessary to establish in advance what are the real threats with which said equipment can be faced. For this, it is necessary to carry out different phases in order to have a reliable and effective information security strategy.

Next, we will talk about how you should establish these steps according to your organization:

The first thing you should do is set the main goals you want to have. That is, why are cybersecurity being implemented in a network. You will have to analyze if you want to be detected when you browse, what will be the types of web pages What more visits will they do and what is the risk that these have. In addition, you will have to analyze who will be the people who will have access to sensitive information and that they can be the target of cyberattacks.

Once you have established these risks, you will have to Analyze your network architecture. I mean, you’ll have to see…

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