【Company Analytics on LinkedIn】What is it? + Features ▷ 2022

The LinkedIn analytics for company pages is a very important function when you want to grow the popularity of the website on said platform.

To achieve this goal, you need to know what its advantages are and why it is important to use this type of tool.. The answers and all the information related to this topic can be found in the following paragraphs.

In addition, you can benefit when you read about the essential KPIs for your company and when we talk about the sections and functions that has this tool. You will be able to know which are the best alternatives to LinkedIn analytics.

What is LinkedIn analytics for companies and what is it for?

It is a tool that offers the platform for know different metrics about the behavior that visitors have each time they enter the one created on LinkedIn. In this way it is possible to know if the chosen marketing strategy is efficient in relation to the competition and with the objectives set.

If you want to know the advantages it has, keep reading below:


Among the most outstanding advantages that this tool has, we can mention:

  • It can know the results immediately that are obtained from the actions carried out by the company.
  • It allows correct deviations that were generated due to errors in the implementation of objectives in the marketing plan.
  • Improve brand positioningsince the tastes and behavior of the market are more accurately known.
  • Increases the efficiency of economic resources. This is because the data is known that allows investing the optimal amount of money to carry out advertisements or for any other action related to improving the image of the brand.
  • Constantly detect business opportunitiesdue to the knowledge that is obtained from the interest of the market on the products that the company offers.
  • It allows projecting a sustained growth in the future because you can more accurately predict the behavior of consumers.

Why is it important to use analytics for company pages on LinkedIn?

It is important to use analytics for LinkedIn Company Pages because allows us to know the interaction between consumers and publications that the company does. In addition, it provides very accurate information on the usage habits and tastes of buyer personas. But this is not the only thing that the LinkedIn analytics tool offers.

It also provides the opportunity to learn the return on investments made by the company to execute the strategies of marketing. Finally, it is possible to know quickly what are the interests and opinions that the target market has about the brand.

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Essential KPIs for companies, which are the most important?

The analytical tool What does it offer Internet allows you to know different metrics about the audience to which you direct your marketing campaign.

If you want to know which are the most important KPIs, we show them below:

Interaction with posts

This is one of the KPI’s most important exists in the analysis of LinkedIn. For this reason, you should be attentive to the parameters that this metric gives you, which shows you the views your posts had and how many clicks they generated. In addition, you will be able to know the number of recommendations, comments and the number of times your post was shared.

All this will help you you can quickly find the tastes of your audience. Therefore, you can improve those posts that are not related to the behavior required by people and also continue delving into the topics in those who like to interact with your followers.

Take a look at the following metrics:

  • I like it.
  • Comments.
  • Shared.
  • Clicks, depending on the publication.
  • Impressions.

Behavior patterns

With this metric you will be able to know what is the pattern of clicks that visitors make when they are on your company page on LinkedIn. In this way, you will know precisely which are the hottest areas that the web has, making it much easier to understand from a visitor’s point of view.

This will allow you to better choose the areas in which you can incorporate information that produces empathy with your audience and thus obtain better income.. In addition, you will be able to find out what the navigation flow is, where there are funnels and what are the reasons why bounces occur.

Pay attention to these KPIs:

  • Filter by tastes: You look for the ideas, emotions, feelings, images and people that your friends follow. visitors.
  • Also you can see why your ad is being more effectivethus achieving a greater reach of your advertising.

Characteristics and habits

When you need to know the habits of your audience and the demographic, personal, and occupational characteristics that have the sameyou will need to study the metrics that relate to all the information that it gives you LinkedIn.

With this data you will be able to better understand what topics mobilize people and how you could get closer to them:

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So that you can know what are the benefits of the campaign and marketing strategies you had on LinkedInyou will need to perform a calculation that allows you to accurately obtain the return on investment. In this way you will be able to know if you have spent more money or need to continue investing to achieve the desired objectives.

You will need to consider the following metrics in this type of analysis:

  • ROIreturn of investment.
  • CPAscost per acquisition.
  • CPLcost per lead.
  • Conversion o Number of visitors who met the campaign objective.
  • CTRnumber of clicks in total impressions.

Functions and sections of the analytics for companies How is the data divided?

The sections into which the LinkedIn analytics for company pages are divided are:


In this section you will find the measurement of performance of your posts in the last 24 hours. In this way, you will be able to know the type of users to which it was directed, the number of clicks that were made and the number of times in which the members of the social network interacted with the post.

In addition, you will be able to find information about the users who signed up to a subscription by means of the publication. And finally, you can know the trends that have the actions you perform in the audience.


With this part of the page analytics for companies from LinkedIn you will be able to know data referring to the followers who interacted with your publications. You will be able to obtain demographic information, what type of tasks they perform, positions they hold and level of professional experience of the people interested in your posts. With this information you will be able to more easily direct the actions of marketing what do you do in LinkedIn.


If what you are looking for is to know the number of times your company’s page was viewed by members of LinkedInyou must use this section of the analytics. You can find a division that will be dedicated to visits to your site and unique users, the latter being the number of people who entered your website without taking into account the multiple accesses they made. That is, if a member visited your page two or more times, the analytics will consider them as a single visitor.

This will will help determine the level of interest that the audience has regarding the topics that your posts contain. In this way you can correct or increase the type of information you upload to the platform according to this parameter.

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List of the best external tools to analyze data on LinkedIn

when you need know data and behaviors that your followers have on LinkedInyou can also use tools external to the platform.

We will show you below the best analytical websites so that you can work with metrics that help you grow your brand:


With this platform you will be able to improve the relationship with your customers thanks to the different functions it offers to understand their behavior. It is considered one of the best tools out there. to track the social media marketing plan.

It has a free version and payment plans in which you can include, not only LinkedInbut also to others social media. In addition, you will have the possibility of accessing online courses so that you can perfect your techniques related to continuous improvement in your publications.


Like the previous platform, Buffer It is one of the best tools for understand the behavior and tastes of buyer personas. It has a 14-day free trial in which you will not have to enter the payment details until the determined period has expired.

The different tools that it has will allow you to combine publications on LinkedIn with other social networks, thus increasing the presence of your company in the target market. In addition, you will be able to have exact information on the most important metrics in real time.


This online tool is an excellent platform to know the follow-up and the performance of the publications What do you do on your company site? LinkedIn. You will have the possibility to access different types of metrics that will help you, in real time, to reveal the truth about several important elements to save money and be more efficient. It is ideal for using LinkedIn and linking your user with other social networksdue to the large number of functions that this payment tool offers.

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