【Define Roles in Discord】Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

If you like the world of videogames and you use a platform for it, surely you already know what it is the platform, which is a program that makes it easier for players to communicate through private servers with other players, either by text or voice.

In this way it can be said that discord It’s kind of like a platform. , but this time it is directed especially for the Gamers, so it greatly facilitates communication between players during games. That is how this platform is completely configurable and has a large number of options available for users who can do practically anything within the platform.

discord It is mainly characterized by having a permission system that is based on the functions that you grant to your members, these permissions can be granted according to the roles you haveeither at the channel level or at the server level. According to this, here we are going to teach you how configure permissions and put roles in DiscordFor this, follow in detail everything that we will teach you below.

What roles exist within a Discord server or community?

It must be borne in mind that discord permissions They are mainly based on the functions assigned to each of the members, in this case said permissions will be assigned according to the role, either a role both at the server level and at the channel level, depending on this, these permissions are granted. In these cases it is necessary to add all the permissions of all the roles in a user, where the channels can deny the permissions of the server of a role.

However, it should be mentioned that servers with many users often have a disadvantage when it comes to assigning the appropriate permissions to people, as this can become a nightmare. This is because in discord exist thirteen server-level permissions which allow administrator-level privileges or prohibit someone from having them, nine text permissions, which allow you to send messages or add text links and seven voice permissions which is the ability to talk to the server.

Thus, each of these permissions is a binary option, so there are 536,870,912 possible permit combinations, this means that being able to assign each of these permissions manually and individually would be a never-ending procedure, and if there are thousands of users on a server, then it would be an impossible task to do. That is why here we are going to teach you how to how to configure permissions and assign roles on your server.

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Learn step by step to configure permissions and define roles on your Discord server

Taking into account everything mentioned above, the next thing is to start configure permissions and assign roles on your Discord server to make sure everything works correctly.

To do this, follow each of the steps that we will explain below in detail:

create roles

The first thing to do in this case is to start creating the roles for it set your group permissions, Here you must start the procedure by configuring different roles to later assign them to each of the members of your group.

Keep in mind that you can create any custom role your group requires, it is also possible to assign multiple roles to a single member. In this case, the roles contain a name, a permission set, and a member set. Therefore, in order to create, delete or assign permissions to roles, you will need to click on “Roles” and in the menu “Server Settings” .

After that you must follow these steps:

  • Here you must click on the arrow next to the server name.
  • Subsequently click on the “Server Settings”.
  • in the next window Choose “Roles”.
  • When you create your server for the first time, you will only get a preset role @everyone. This role defines the permissions that are enabled for everyone on your server, even if you don’t have other roles assigned to it.
  • To create a new role you will need to click on the sign “+”.
  • when you have created the rolethen you can assign it the specific permissions for the whole server, but toggling the dials.
  • After this the creation process will be finished, here you must select the option of “Save Changes” for the changes to be applied.
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Assign the roles

when you have set all permissions that you want to give to a specific role, then you can start assign the other roles to the members of your server.

To do this you must follow each of these steps:

  • To start you must click on the tab “Members” and in the menu that appears there select “Server Settings”.
  • Now you must click on the sign that appears under the member to whom you want to assign a role, and select it from the drop-down window.
  • In this way, said member will have the permissions that you assigned to that role.

channel permissions

  • It is also possible to assign permission to channels in specific either so much channels voice or text for this it is necessary to access the channel configuration menu. To be able to access this menu you must select the channel whose setting want to adjust and then click the gear icon.
  • In order to set permissions for roles or for individual members in this channel, then you must select the tab “Permission” located in the channel setup menu.
  • In this case the preset role @everyone by default it will have access to all the features of a channel, here you can allow or deny the permissions that this particular channel has, for this you must click on the check boxes.
  • In the case of the green check mark, it will indicate that the selected function has permission enabled. In the following image that will be shown you can see how all members are allowed to create an instant invitation link for the channel “General” and that way they can share it with other users.
  • Now in this image, you are going to be denied all permissions to create invite links snapshots for channel “Top secret”.
  • It is also possible that you can add specific roles or people which ones do you want manage channel permissionsto do this select the icon of the sign “+”.
  • when you have added a role or memberthen you can start assigning channel permissions to this group or person.
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category permission

In the case of discord There can be two default states for a channel, one of them is the unsynchronized and the synchronized. In the case of synchronized channels, they will have permissions that completely coincide with those of the category. Category permissions can be changed by right-clicking on the category and clicking “Edit category”.

For this it is necessary to carry out the following steps:

  • The first thing will be to click on the tab “Permissions” and there modify permissions and add roles.
  • In the case of disabling “Read text channels and watch voice channels” It’s going to make channels visible to those members who don’t have access, instead of just showing them in a blocked way.
  • By not synchronizing the permissions to move a channel between categories, or if you happen to change an individual permission at the channel level, then here it will show you that the channel is not found Synchronized with the category.
  • If this appears, it means that the channel does not currently share the same permissions as the category and therefore it will not update automatically each time you perform changes to category permissions.
  • If what you want is for said channel to be synchronized with the category again, then you must go to the channel permission menu and then you must click on the button “Sync now”, as shown in the previous image.
  • And finally, if you don’t want to use the category permissions anymore, then you can leave all your channels with the category of not synchronized and this way start managing them individually. These permissions can also be managed particularly in each of the channels.
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