【Delete Folders on Computer】Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

Similar to a closet, a stores and nests files within folders or files. The same are essential to maintain order that serves to find content in a simpler way.

But when it comes to removing them, it happens differently.. Since sometimes it is the same system that prevents it. At the same time, it is not the same to send them to the trash than to get rid of them of the files definitely.

if you want to know the correct way to delete a folder or fix those error windows, we recommend the following post.

Steps to delete a folder in the main operating systems

Before we continue with the best methods to get rid of unwanted folders, you need to know that it can vary depending on the operating system installed on your device. You should also keep in mind that we will show how to delete, which is different from moving to the recycle bin.

Taking the above into account, we offer them for the three most important:

on windows

  • go to the containing root of the folder in question. If it is one located on the desktop, make sure it is not a shortcut.
  • Once selected, press the combination on the keyboard “Shift” + “del” (Delete). Being a action that cannot be undonethe system will show you a warning window.
  • press “Yes” to confirm the operation.

on macOS

  • Similar to Windows, The first thing you should do is select with a click the folder you want to delete.
  • Then press the keys Command and without letting go “Delete”. Doing so will permanently delete the file.
  • If the content you want to delete It is already located in the trashright-click on it and choose the option from the drop-down menu “Empty Trash”.
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on linux

  • If you work on a computer with linux system you will be used to commands. To get rid of an entire directory (file) you must enter the following command.
  • “rmdir Dir1” Being Dir1 the name of the directory.
  • Similarly, if you want to delete several at once, you can separate the names with spaces. Remaining as follows “rmdir Dir1 Dir2 Dir3”.

The folder cannot be deleted. What are the causes and solutions?

But not everything is rosy, well inconveniences appear anywhere and anytime. And it can be the case when we want delete a folder and we can’t.

This can be due to various reasons:

on windows

The most common is that you do not have the necessary administrator permission to make changes to a file, for which you will need such authorization or login as one. It also often happens that a program is using a file contained in that folder, in these cases a window appears with the necessary information to find out what the document in question is. it will only suffice kill the process that is using it and repeat the operation.

on linux

If after using the command “rmdir” to delete a directory returns an error of the type rmdir: failed to remove ‘dir3’: Directory not empty means that said folder it was not empty. Which is an advantage to avoid losing files accidentally. If you want to remove the directory, subdirectories and all its contents, you should use the command “rm -r Dir1” And just like the previous methods, deleted information cannot be recovered.

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