15 digital marketing tips to boost your business on the Internet

In an increasingly connected world, having a well-built online presence is essential to stand out from your competitors and increase the visibility of your brand.

Thats why he It is important for all types of business, whether online or offline.

But do you know how to use your strategies efficiently?

To help you, we have selected 15 digital marketing tips that will boost your reach on the Internet and increase your sales.

Keep reading!

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what is the digital marketing?

Digital marketing is a branch of marketing that brings together strategies and actions to satisfy the wishes of customers who consume online.

Through it, various businesses manage to manage their brand, build their online authority and promote products and services strategically and efficiently.

With more and more people and businesses interacting in the digital environment, this type of marketing is valued more and is practically essential for those who want to stand out in this universe.

Using Internet platforms and tools it is possible to carry out campaigns, disseminate content and converse more directly and satisfactorily with your customers.

The best digital marketing tips for your business

Regardless of whether you have a digital business or not, if you feel the need to communicate and conquer your customers online, you can’t miss the digital marketing tips that we show you below!

1. Identify the buyer persona of your business

The first of the digital marketing tips that we are going to present in this material is related to the consumer you are targeting, the buyer person. The buyer person is the semi-fictional representation of the ideal client of a business.

Unlike traditional marketing, which addresses the concepts of and segment, broader and referring to a group of potential customers with common characteristics, digital marketing goes a little further. As it is a much more personalized strategy, it is necessary to deeply understand a specific client.

Therefore, to create even more efficient actions, you must map the characteristics and personality of your ideal client.

Identifying who the potential buyers of your product or service are is the first step in developing your digital marketing strategy.

Does it seem complicated to you? Here’s an exercise that can help you!

Try to think about your current clients, or your ideal clients, and answer the following questions:

  • Is there a predominance of gender, profession, age and region where they live?
  • What are the reasons why these people find the solution to a problem in your brand?
  • If you offer more than one type of product or service, can you identify the differences between those who buy it?

After this analysis, it is time to synthesize everything in fictional characters that represent the expectations and behaviors of your real consumer.

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We give these profiles of people who are more likely to be interested in what you are disclosing the name of buyer person.

You can learn more about the subject by reading our .

2. Produce good content

As said before, content that uses the right words is much more likely to appear at the top of a search, which is why this is among the most important digital marketing tips.

But it is not enough for people to click on your link, they need to be interested in what they will find there. In other words, the basis for a good digital marketing strategy is quality content, well produced and with useful information.

Delivering the answers that users are looking for is a determining factor in creating a relationship with your target audience and possibly converting them into loyal customers.

Take some time to find the relevant guidelines and topics for your audience. Think about how your business can help these people solve their problems.

Do not forget to include content that will be valuable for a long time, that is, evergreen topics. These contents are durable, they do not have an expiration date and will be current and useful even if many years pass.

They are very important because they help generate constant traffic for your website, while also contributing to building your brand authority online.

And so that your ideas are not lost, it is important to create a of marketing. In the calendar you will gather all the actions you want to execute, you will define deadlines and goals and you will be able to better organize your time.

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3. Define your keywords

have you heard of ? They are the set of words, phrases or concepts that synthesize the main point of a matter and will be very important when applying these digital marketing tips in your online strategy.

In digital marketing, keywords are used to target the construction of sites, blog posts, and landing pages, among other content.

And there are two types:

  • short tail: Broader, top-of-the-funnel terms, with one or two words that generally have a higher search volume, but are not as helpful for conversion, but rather for generating traffic.
  • long-tail: more specific and mid- to bottom-of-the-funnel terms, with more than two words, which offer more conversion opportunities, as they attract a more segmented audience.

If you work these words together with SEO techniques, it is very likely that your pages will be well positioned in search engines and receive more clicks.

This happens because when a person accesses Google, for example, and searches for a certain subject, they intuitively use these terms.

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That is, the use of keywords in your content allows you to reach the audience you are looking for.

Therefore, it is essential that you know the main terms related to your business. To do this, you can use some that make this work much faster and more precise, for instance:

With them, you can access the search volume of the terms you need, other suggestions, as well as help you structure your strategy based on data and trends.

4. Brand presence on social networks

Even if your business is not digital, people will always look for information about you on the Internet. And if they don’t find you, they probably will find your competitors.

Therefore, it is essential that you are present in all the channels that your target audience uses to consume information.

In addition to sites and blogs, they are an important channel for disclosure and relationship with your customers.

Being digitally present is a way to converse directly with your audience, generate engagement and identification with your brand, answer questions and make offers.

By building a relationship of trust with your clients and potential clients, they become powerful influencers in their circles of friends, relatives, and co-workers.

Remember that all the platforms used for your digital marketing strategies must be aligned under the brand discourse. So keep in mind what is the and the positioning of your company.

5. Create a blog

When we talk about online presence, it is common to think first of an institutional website, in which you present your brand, mission, values ​​and services.

But did you know that having a blog is one of the best ways to increase your online presence, educate the public and attract consumers? That is why it is one of the digital marketing tips that we include in this list.

According to a study of , More than half of marketing teams use the blog in their outreach strategies.

Having a blog allows you to create and publish relevant content for your buyer persona, which helps educate the market, increase your authority and guide consumers through your sales funnel.

And of course, it also helps you get your brand to the top of search engines, such as Google. A blog full of useful and SEO optimized content is very important to attract .

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6. Use a CMS tool

Well, you already know the importance of having pages on the Internet, be it a website or a blog. But how to manage it all, especially if you have no experience in the subject?

A good solution is to use a acronym in English for Content Management Systemor Content Management System.

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This type of tool facilitates the work of creating, publishing and managing Internet pages. You stop worrying about lines of HTML code and can focus on what matters: creating attractive and quality content.

There are dozens of CMS options on the market, such as WordPress, Joomla, and Wix. Simply choose the one that offers the best solutions for your needs and start producing!

7. Use your own domain

that is, an address that is yours on the web is very important both to transmit professionalism and to attract more visitors and conquer new clients.

With that, you manage to put a personalized url on your site, register an email with the name of your business and have the possibility of creating subdomains.

Without counting the advantages that owning a domain provides for your digital marketing actions.

You earn points on SEO actions, create ads with Google and sign up for other essential tools for online businesses, such as Google Shopping, for example.

With professionalism, people will trust your site more and become customers with fewer purchase objections.

Access our post with step a and discover how easy it is.

8. Create a sales funnel

One of the most important digital marketing tips is the one that has to do with the sales funnel. Have you heard about the sales funnel?

This strategy is widely used in Inbound Marketing and allows you to guide your customer on a shopping journey.

To do this you must imagine a funnel made up of 4 steps: attraction, conversion, purchase and enchantment.

These stages represent the moments your potential customer goes through before intuitively reaching the solution you want to offer.

In other words, we can say that before making a purchase, people go through the following path:

  • Attraction – Recognition of a problem and search for more information.
  • Conversion – Identification of possible solutions and consideration of the products and services available on the market.
  • Purchase – Purchase decision making. Evaluation of prices, forms of payment, discounts offered.
  • Enchantment – Being satisfied with the purchase and starting a relationship with the brand. Commitment and spontaneous disclosure among their circles of friends and relatives.

To understand more about how you can work with your content in each of these stages, read our full post on .

9. Promote your content

After so much dedication to producing good content, don’t forget to think about strategies to spread and promote it.

There are many possibilities for promoting content on the Internet. By…

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