15 internet business models to start your business

What are internet business models?

Internet business models are those that can grow and become stronger on the web. Business models are understood as the way in which a business manages to generate profits and satisfy the needs of a specific market in a profitable way.

Everything can start with a business idea, which will later be transformed into a business model to be carried out and specific objectives achieved. In the case of the main internet business models, we can see an advantage with traditional models because they have a greater geographical reach.

However, they are not necessarily easier or require less effort, they are just developed differently but the same planning and perseverance are required to generate a successful and profitable business.

We leave you this article where we address in more depth what a and how to make one so that you can clarify doubts.

What are the B2B, B2C, C2C and B2G business models?

There are mainly four business models on the internet that mark the way of distribution and sale of products and services. Here we explain them easily so you can locate yours.

  • B2B (business to business)
  • B2C (business to consumer)
  • C2C (consumer to consumer)
  • B2G (business to government)

B2B (business to business)

This model occurs when business relationships are generated between companies such as manufacturers and distributors or distributors and businesses. The final customer of the product or service is not reached and, in general, the purchase cycle is longer than in other business models.

Customers do not make emotional purchases, but well thought out and analyzed, which implies a longer follow-up from identifying the need to making the purchase.

B2C (business to consumer)

Here companies offer products to the final consumer, the market is much broader than in b2b and to segment it, consumer data is used, such as age, internet habits, geographic data, age, etc.

The company deals directly with customers, the purchase volume is usually higher and the decision time is much shorter. Customers in this model do not usually think too much to make their purchases and what they usually want is for their purchase to be easy and safe.

C2C (consumer to consumer)

In this model we talk about sales between consumers. It is usually given through an internet site where different items open to the public are put up for sale. By selling through a third party, bidders optimize operating costs and their profit can be medium to high.

This model makes it easier for sellers and buyers to find each other on the internet and also facilitates transactions. It is a safe model and buyers find it comfortable to consume in this way.

B2G (Business to government)

This model is based on the optimization of negotiation times between companies and government through the Internet. In general, it is the public institutions that open Internet portals through which they contact potential suppliers.

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Private companies contact the public administration to provide services or products that they require and sometimes participate in contests to become a recurring provider.

15 profitable internet business models to start your business

1. Online sale

Online sales have grown exponentially in recent years due to new consumption habits. According to data from the in 2020, online sales grew by 80% during the pandemic.

This trend continues to grow, making it a profitable business model for entrepreneurs who want to start a business with a future, since you can practically sell everything online, even if you already have a physical business you can open an online store to expand your market.


This business model is characterized by the fact that the seller does not have a stock of products, but instead buys from a third party and makes it the third party who delivers the product to the end customer.

It is an intermediary business that does not require an investment in products, so it becomes a great option if you are looking to start a business with low capital.

In this article we will talk in more detail about what the , its advantages and how to start a business with this model.

3.Live Shopping

This is a new model that has been developing recently that combines two common activities in the online world, sales and live broadcasts.

During the transmission the product is shown, you can do an unboxing, a demonstration or even a tour inside a physical location. Creativity will be what leads this model to achieve sales and something important to highlight is that it seeks to generate sales at that time, so you must have a link enabled where purchases can be generated easily.

There are also some applications that allow you to carry out this model in a simpler way, such as and .

4. Saas

Software as a service or SaaS is another business model that can be developed and grown through the Internet. It is about allowing software users to access it from any device connected to the internet, without the need to download any add-on.

Everything is done through cloud services and represents a great opportunity for companies or users who contract it, since they only pay for what they use and do not need to pay licenses or necessarily contract the service for a certain term.

If you plan to offer a software service, this model represents a good option to market it, in addition to the fact that you can increase the functions and applications for your clients according to their real needs, which allows you to position yourself within their preferences.

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5. Sale of digital content

Although we already mentioned online sales, in this business model the main product is not tangible but digital. Selling content is a business that can be very profitable if you manage to position yourself properly. Many companies are aware of the advantages that the regeneration of relevant content for their brands gives them and they look for companies or individuals to help them with that part.

You can sell from blog articles to downloadable materials, videos, photos and other multimedia content that helps your communication and marketing strategies.

6. Online courses

This model continues to be profitable even with all the wave of online courses that the 2020 pandemic left on the internet. Education is always a good business, because there are always people who need to develop some new skill.

The business model for online courses continues to evolve and according to IEBS, the new trends mark courses with short and easy-to-digest content, since the excess demand for options requires models that allow obtaining specific knowledge.

To create your own online courses there are also companies like that allow you to create, produce, upload and sell your course from their platform in a simple way, charging a commission for each course sold, it encourages you to reach the people you need.

7. Online copywriting or translation business

This business also occurs in the B2B scheme as many companies look for an external provider to provide them with translations or writing of articles and specific materials not only for their communication or marketing areas but also for internal areas.

Even companies that work in different countries and that are experiencing great growth, such as startups, require external writing services that often help them create their documentation and translate it.

8. Niche Blog Monetization

In the middle of 2022, niche blogs are still profitable internet business models, however, it is more competitive than before. Therefore, to position a blog, in addition to a good SEO content strategy, you must help yourself with public relations techniques that allow you to be relevant.

Having a well-positioned blog in the sector of your interest can start making exchanges, mentions and even collaborations to monetize it. We leave you this article where we talk more about and how to use it.

📝 Note: it’s not about reaching thousands of people, in fact a niche blog looks for specific audiences. Try to be relevant in your sector before seeking to be a viral phenomenon.

9. Coaching and mentoring

Similar to the business of online courses, this business is about mentoring people in what you do best. For this, the internet can be a great platform to develop your personal brand and from there obtain the clients you are looking for.

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Think about it, if you have a lot of skills in something specific, you can help other people to do what you know how to do. Portals like help small businesses or entrepreneurs find the mentors they need in different specialties. You can check it out and sign up as a mentor and start this business model.

10. P2P (peer-to-peer) e-commerce

This business model is about providing a place where exchanges can be made between peers or colleagues. We can talk about a platform where vendors and customers can get in touch to sell products or services.

Airbnb, Paypal, Uber, among others, are examples of this business model. If your idea is to develop an application or a digital product, you can think of creating a P2P platform that allows people who need a service to directly contact people who can help them.

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11. Subscription

The subscription model is used by many content and entertainment companies to sell their products, but it can be applied to practically any type of business. For example, gyms use it, some schools, even restaurants and self-service stores offer you different benefits when you subscribe to a program.

You can use this business model to increase your sales, consolidate your customers and create more loyal relationships with them, regardless of your line of business.

12. YouTube Monetization

This content platform is one of the main entertainment media today and of course you can monetize your content within it. The main ways to do it are:

  • YouTube Premium
  • channel memberships
  • Library of promotional items
  • super chat

In this article we tell you more about and each of the means of monetization.

13. Podcast

A podcast is also part of the internet business models that you can focus on a niche market. Like the blog, you do not need to reach the whole world, but rather people who are interested in a specific topic in order to create your business model by monetizing your content.

Mentions, commercials and interviews are one way to do it, but if you look further you can generate alliances between the guests you have on your podcast and manage to be the small alliance between different businesses. Have you thought about it? You can try.


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